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Belfast's pro-Palestine protesters remove 'Israeli' goods from supermarket shelves in West Belfast. Lets hope their American cousins start doing the same across USA? Isn't it a pity the US President Genocide Joe who has proudly proclaimed his Irish heritage doesn't share the same morality & principles?

Areas of West Belfast have vowed to stop selling Israeli goods to “take a stand against the ongoing genocide”
By Ruby Hegarty

Twinbrook, Lagmore, Mount Eagles, Poleglass, St James’s, Rock Streets, Lenadoon and Glencolin are among the growing neighbourhoods that have declared ardent support for Lasair Dhearg’s ‘Israeli-Goods Free Zones’ campaign.

“The Irish people know full well the real and human cost of colonisation, displacement and genocide,” said Pól Torbóid of Lasair Dhearg, speaking of the reasoning behind the scheme’s popularity.

“It is our view that the Zionist state of Israel is intent on the complete eradication of Palestinians from Palestine, either through displacement or death. The state of Israel is pro-actively committing the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, as governments across the collective ‘West’ look the other way,” Mr Torbóid further explained.

This sentiment was shared by many activists in Northern Ireland, prompting the collective effort to implement a visible and effective removal of products from sale that are “specifically marked as ‘Made in Israel’”.


Belfast's pro-Palestine protesters remove 'Israeli' goods from shelves of Asda in protest over Gaza It's the second supermarket in west Belfast to be targeted By John Mulgrew Tue 12 Aug 2014 at 06:18

FrayedBear 9 Sep 19

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Ohferpetessake, name one Israeli-made good that is readily available, and tell me how it is going to hurt Israel to remove them, instead of the shopkeepers??
Because I am pretty sure they items were Paid for before they were stocked.

Lol, still bleating baa baa

@FrayedBear She was not bleating, she asked a very good question that you will never be able to answer.

Actually you are usually unable to answer anything.

I thought the same thing. I am unaware of anything in any supemarket I ever used that came from Israel except for some candles and matzo products, which take up virtually no shelf space.

@Alienbeing try using some of the following sources of information when you get over your nonsensical assertion that Israel is not perpetrating genocide & apartheid against the Palestinians:

@Alienbeing now what does an atheist living in a country with secure supplies of electricity need candles for?

@FrayedBear I'm aware of all those sources, and others that mistakenly use the word "genocide".

@Alienbeing mistakenly? What word do you use? "Mollycoddling? Have you read the pages of testimony included in "What an indictment."

@Alienbeing I note that you do not answer the question as to why you buy Shabat candles.

@FrayedBear Try to understand, I live here, I go to suermarkets, so I know that virtually no Israeli products are on U.S. supermarket shelves.

As for your truly stupid (remarkably stupid) candle remarks, there is no answer since you have no basis to even ask the questions.


I hope other places will follow.

Locally the Coles fuel stations obtained all the gas bottles for the Israeli produced soda water makers when Harvey Norman dumped them because they are too expensive. Buying one at the petrol station however gets you an additional 10 cents per litre off your fuel cost!


I've listen to every leading pro Isreal argument and there is not one of them that can prove another country has suffereded, with more human right law broken in Gaza since World War 2.
Some say US and British had it worst in world war 2. Well only 2000 cilivan were killed in the US. UK had far less than 1% homeless wail Gazais 80% homeless. There is no comparison per capita greater humiliation and suffering to Gaza than any other war.. Besides,humans are suppose to be more advance today.
War solves nothing.

Your condemnation leaves the Jews, their religion & their rabbi's pushing this inhumanity where?

Could this be the beginning of the demise of all religions worldwide?

When Palestinians stop voting for Hamas you may have a point.


Who ever the Palestinian vote for, they will be labeled terrorists also. No winning with racism and white supremist.

@Alienbeing why should they stop voting for the only organisation that been reacting to Israeli Jews atrocities, apartheid & genocide against them? Hamas didn't start this the Jews did back in the 1940's.

@Castlepaloma In your opinion.

@FrayedBear Who murdered at a Music Concert, and kidnapped?

@Alienbeing ah, you are referring to the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre, also known as the Ibrahimi Mosque massacre[1] or the Hebron massacre,[2] was a mass shooting carried out by Baruch Goldstein, an American-Israeli physician and extremist of the far-right ultra-Zionist Kach movement. On 25 February 1994
Or do you refer to the massacres by Jews of Palestinians in 1948 -
"According to several historians, between 10 and 70 massacres occurred during the 1948 war.[5][6][7] According to Benny Morris the Yishuv (or later Israeli) soldiers killed roughly 800 Arab civilians and prisoners of war in 24 massacres.[5] Aryeh Yizthaki list 10 major massacres with more than 50 victims each.[8] Palestinian researcher Salman Abu-Sitta lists 33 massacres, half of them occurring during the civil war period.[8] Saleh Abdel Jawad lists 68 villages where acts of indiscriminate killing of prisoners, and civilians took place, where no threat was posed to Yishuv or Israeli soldiers."

Let's face it Alienbeing you're just an anti-Semite denying the holocaust by genocide brought upon the Palestinians by the Jews since 1948.

@FrayedBear You have regressed to worse than elementry level. You know who started current hostilities and your VERY feeble to dance around it is below childish.

@FrayedBear When you can cite anything I ever typed that even hints that I deny the holocaust PLEASE DO SO.

You seem to need stronger meds recently.

@FrayedBear @FrayedBear calling anyone else an"anti-Semite" is IMO HILARIOUS in a sick, sad way.

@Alienbeing the Jews allowed to settle on stolen land in 1948 started it. Not the Arabs who are Semites. Get with the programme alien & quit reiterating your Jewish propaganda & lies.

@Alienbeing, @annewimsey500 only a Jew would think that. The rest of the world do not, like myself, look on it favourably particularly as real Jews are Semitic.

@FrayedBear As none other than Anwar Sadat, President of Egypt said "I cannot be anti-semite, because Arabs are Semite".

The twist included in your 9/23 reply is among your more pityful attempts to make a point.

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