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LINK Maine churches continue legal fight to maintain taxpayer-funding bigotry -- Friendly Atheist

Maine says private schools can get tax dollars as long as they don't discriminate. Two bigoted churches want the money anyway.

Sep 18, 2024

(Follow above article link to read full article.)

snytiger6 9 Sep 19

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This has nothing to do with education or their beliefs. It does have everything to do with money, specifically tax-payer money and their hatred for anyone who defies their method of control. They need enemies (the devils minions), sexual orientation and skin colour are their chosen foes. Without them, their control is greatly reduced and much wealth is lost.

Betty Level 8 Sep 19, 2024

Christian supremacists are not above using every dirty trick in the book to spread their malevolence.

I don't think it is so much about spreading the word, as it is about getting more money.

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