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Why was it that 75 % of aid workers murdered worldwide in the last 11 months were killed by the psychopathic Israeli Demented Freaks aka Jewish military?

According to the Aid Worker Security Database, out of 378 humanitarian worker deaths since October 7, 2023, more than 294 deaths occurred in Gaza alone, a region comprising less than one percent of the world’s population affected by humanitarian crises.

Most of the workers slain by Israel had followed strict security protocols, which included providing GPS coordinates to Israeli authorities so as to avoid current conflict zones in the besieged enclave. Despite these measures taken by these aid workers, Israel has repeatedly targeted aid convoys, shelters, and facilities, indicating a deliberate targeting of humanitarian workers in Gaza.

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FrayedBear 9 Oct 4

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The answer is in the question

Lol. Thanks for pointing out the loss of the "?" Len. I've now corrected it.

And supplying the answer!

🤣 Easier than the old "send your answer on a postcard to:" . . . Now which BBC programme on the "steam" radio was that?


Just like the Iraq War, , US war generals say they don't do body counts. It was a different of 10 times greater by Iraqis body count. Same with hamas killed with no names given. As Iraelis solders have gone ultimately insane killing everyone.being of service to Palestinians. Shooting kids in the head crosses 10 red lines for me.

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