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South Africa delivers evidence of Israel genocide to ICJ. USA, UK & Germany next?

The Memorial – the name for the document recording the main case of South Africa against Israel – contains evidence which shows how the government of Israel has violated the genocide convention by promoting the destruction of Palestinians living in Gaza, physically killing them with an assortment of destructive weapons, depriving them access to humanitarian assistance, causing conditions of life which are aimed at their physical destruction and ignoring and defying several provisional measures of the International Court of Justice, and using starvation as a weapon of war and to further Israel’s aims to depopulate Gaza through mass death and forced displacement of Palestinians.

The evidence will show that undergirding Israel’s genocidal acts is the special intent to commit genocide, a failure by Israel to prevent incitement to genocide, to prevent genocide itself and its failure to punish those inciting and committing acts of genocide.

The evidence is detailed in over 750 pages of text, supported by exhibits and annexes of over 4,000 pages.


FrayedBear 9 Oct 29

Enjoy being online again!

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We all know South Africa is a bastion of Civil Rights (not).

More importantly we don't care at all what South Africa thinks.

Last, Israel is doing a great job!

So much so that Algeria has just declared that the Israeli Jews be expelled from Arab lands.

"Algeria calls upon the UN Security Council to demand a ceasefire in Gaza & Lebanon whilst condemning..." - the inference being that you fucked up Americans also have the same expulsion applied. . . How in your arrogant narcissism you love to be hated @Alienbeing. How well that other jew wrote it in his song lyrics 60 years ago -

@FrayedBear You can sure find the loser Nations to attempt to justify your moronic posts. South Africa, Algeria, who is next, Albania?

P.S. I am not Jewish, I am 100% Irish heritage.

@Alienbeing don't make me laugh Alien, I'm eating my lunch. This is what true 100% Irish look & sound like:

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@FrayedBear We Irish all look GREAT!

What the remainder of your post is supposed to mean is a mystery for the ages; pretty much the same as you are.

@Alienbeing my anal sphincter is more Irish than you alien.

@FrayedBear I heard your anal spincter was torn a long time ago at a gay pride parade.


I love this. Foreigners having a meltdown over what the U.S. and it's leaders are doing in Gaza and the Middle East as if the common Joe citizen had any power or say so in what is going on there. My biggest question is why would the foreigners care? Maybe we need a group for this sort of posting or maybe just have another site.

Lol. A very proverbial "ostrich head in the sand attitude".
In think in the video on "Did Israel's weekend attack on Iran result in the success claimed by Netanyahu or was it just ..." or "Here's a short video that exposes the truth of the American government's hypocrisy & failure to act ..." the American citizenry are praised for some of their direct action to stop the excesses of their governments killing them in the colonial wars that they engage in.

You also seem to forget how it was the people living in America who declared independence from the British.


Banging our heads against brick walls, I am afraid. I hate what is happening, but until the countries around Israel unite in opposition, there is nothing to counteract the US and UK support for Israel.

It's happening. And the ineffectiveness of Israel's weekend strike on Iran is revealing what a smokecreen & charade it all is with the Israeli Jews and their Western brethren & other backers now trying to draw the USA into direct responsibility to be the scapegoat for the calamity that is likely to occur.

@FrayedBear I'm not holding my breath. I'm hoping the economic toll the invasion is taking will make ordinary Israelis call for a halt.

@CeliaVL lol, they're too indoctrinated don't you remember "fiddler on the roof"?


As long as America's UN veto power, money and weapons stand with Israel, no noise, no arguments, no yelling and no whining - no matter how legitimate will make any difference. 9/11 happened for the same reason and it still made no effect on America's stance on Israel. We can't even get a president that people want in the U.S. The influence of Israel is a so strong on the American policy and decision making.

We have a lot of shit in our lives. Let's focus on it first. We are nobody on this issue on the world stage. Unless you raise your power with money and uniting folks, let's not waste time and energy. We can improve health, peace and financial well being of own and our loved ones with these efforts, time and energy.

Perhaps the loss of the power of the $US will shake some sense into America -


Do you think it will happen in our lifetime? I have been reading about the conflict, the suicide attacks, Israeli incursions, settlements since my childhood and nothing seems to have changed even after the peace accords, Nobel awards and shit in my 60 years.

These will be a mess somewhere in the world, there will be hunger, famine, dictatorships, genocides, massacres, wars, rebellions all the time - generation after generation. Is Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, the Pope doing anything about it? Nothing.

Why are we wasting time? Go have a nice drink and dinner somewhere to celebrate your life. I am not going to waste time on it. This platform is about bashing and opposing religion. Our time is much better spent on working against the biggest evil in the world - Religion. Lets do that instead.

@St-Sinner See my reply to @CeliaVL above then go & enjoy your dinner. Everyone from now on should treat each dinner as their last. No one is safe any longer.

Was the destruction of Syrian air defenses the main purpose of the Israeli weekend attack on Iran & notice to Russia that USA is about to reopen its direct attacks against Russia by invading more of Syria again?

@St-Sinner "This platform is about bashing and opposing religion. Our time is much better spent on working against the biggest evil in the world - Religion." You seriously cannot see that my posts against Israeli Jews & their inhumane behaviour caused by their religion largely stolen from your favourite target of Hinduism is part of the fight against religion?

That suggests that you are a complete clown, simply playing the CIA \ Biden propaganda to maintain your US green card & citizenship or are in fact more deeply complicit in the Israeli genocide than appears. Is all your retirement money now invested in the military complex feeding the wars & genocide around world?


I understand your passion and respect the efforts to voice how you feel about it. We all have support or opposition to issues based on our ideals. I have done that all my life so far. I wrote vociferously, I ranted in all social media posts, created graphics and videos, even paid for Facebook ads etc.

But my point was that it makes no difference. A man vs institutions of power is a losing fight --- unless you are going to follow smart ways of following through on your activism so it can bear fruits. Examples include forming an activist group, filing open records requests to get information from the governments you want and is generally not available, filing lawsuits, making documentaries to expose bad actors etc. lawsuit. Unless we do that, it is just blowing hot air. I did that for a long time and realized that my life needed attention much better than all these motherfuckers who are fucking innocent people around the world.

As much it is agonizing, ranting, and venting out against it will do no good to your cause or to you - unless you think it is cathartic experience to help you relieve stress. But it has a value similar to going to the top of a hill and yelling loud to feel better. Not more.

@St-Sinner thank you. I am not going to change what became part of my belief system at the age of 14 when I made noise against Biafran's starvation & in a cold north of England town sought money from largely indifferent fellow countrymen in order to pay for the installation of water in a remote village in India for the benefit of unknown people of a different religion & race.
It is part of my honour structure & a requirement of myself & lifebeing. If I die a defeated man with battered & broken body I will have been honest to myself & take solace, as I was taught to by my father, that I can only do anything to the best of my ability which in itself is the only success that anyone has control over.


Do what warms your soul and lets you sleep at night. We all are made different and you should follow your bliss.

@St-Sinner I doubt that I have a soul & would not use the word bliss in respect of my behaviour that we are talking off. . . Bliss is seeing my dog's shiny gleaming fur coat because I have given her good food, grooming & vitamin A or she displays obvious pleasure at being played ball with. Bliss is my body managing to still have an orgasm & ejaculate not that I would trust the ejaculate to create anything other than wetness & mongoloids.

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