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At long last! The International Criminal Court on Thursday formally issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, former Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Hamas leader Mohammed Diab Ibrahim Al-Masri.

As expected the genocide complicit countries of Israel & USA denounce the courts decisions.
What is appalling is the fact that they supported arrest warrant for Putin over the supposedly stolen Ukrainian children that was very rapidly issued but fail to support these warrants nor criticise the delay in their issue. A delay that has resulted in the genocidal murder & atrocities perpetrated by the Israeli Jews & those countries complicit in it through the supply of munitions, funding and failure to supply humanitarian aid. Countries like the genocidal Joe lead America, Germany, UK et al.

It is time that similar warrants be issued in respect of the key players in these complicit countries.


FrayedBear 9 Nov 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Hi @Jolanta good to see you back. Good holiday?
If I've still got your phone # I must give you a call & fill you in.


Don't hold your breath for any arrests or convictions because neither will happen.

True but it stops him travelling freely anymore. No more European holidays.
Saw really good comment Israeli's wanted to lock Bibi up anyway, even before Oct 7th. As soon as this finishes, if Israel exists, he is also facing a long time locked away. So what Israeli's should do, is arrest him on the ICC charges. Lock him up, don't have to hand him over. This will solve the Netanyahu problem and do what Israel wants to do anyway, lock the criminal up. But PR wise it would be priceless for Israel and may just save them by swaying world opinion back in their favour, however slightly.
It will never happen though. Israeli's are far too arrogant and full of "Master Race" hubris.

@puff Few countries would arrest him.

@Alienbeing it will cost them if they don't.

@Alienbeing proof of your corruption is the fact that rather than Netanyahu be openly tried in court & justice applied in your, & your leaders arrogance & fear you do not want him in court because of what he will reveal of their criminal activity. . . Just the same as the Hamas leaders have been criminally murdered rather than allowed to face justice.

The pragmatism of a $1 bullet vs a costly prolongued trial? . . . And satisfaction of the American god of Mammon.

Ping @puff

@FrayedBear No one here is corrupt, and your accusations regarding such only prove your ignorance.

Start to learn by recognizing that there are virtually no "innocent" Palestinians because virtually all of them ally themselves with Hamas

@FrayedBear No cost involved.

@Alienbeing just as the majority of Jews not just in Israel are complicit in the genocidal murder of Palestinian's as is shown by your replies stating your delusional beliefs.
And does "no cost involved" simply point out that the Jews in Israel are fully funded by all the American taxpayers & equally psychopathic foreign Jews willing to pay for the genocide ?

@puff seen this analysis?

Scott Ritter delves into the game-changing impact of Russia’s Oreshnik missile. With Mach 10 speeds and unparalleled precision, this weapon has left NATO scrambling for answers. In this video, we analyze how this missile system disrupts Europe’s defense strategy, shifts the balance in Ukraine, and leaves the West on edge. Discover why this new development is a nightmare scenario for the Western alliance and what it means for the future of global security!

@FrayedBear One cannot debate with you because your ignorance does not allow you to see very much. Accordingly I have no reply to your last nonsensical reply

@Alienbeing you never debate. Just behave like a puerile retard.

@FrayedBear You are basically a mental case so don't expect me to pay any attention to your disjointed replies.


They are by no means alone. The whole IDF is suspect at least.

puff Level 8 Nov 22, 2024

The pathological shit these Jews come with begs belief. The sooner they are all lobotomised the better for humanity.

Not before time. USA hopefully will end up ostracised & sanctioned by the world if they continue to shield & support them.

@FrayedBear Both nations seem to be imploding, not helping themselves.

@puff the sooner the better for everyone.

@puff when will albo wake up?

@FrayedBear Albo will wake up when told. Like Zelenskyy. Johny come late'ly always cuts and runs.
I think a real danger is powerful Seppo's relocating here when/ if the US becomes totally dysfunctional. Same Zionists, do not want any Master Race types here or ones which wish to resurrect a dead empire.

@puff they've been long entrenched. I saw it in Double Bay & Rose Bay Sydney. I recently saw that bus companies run tours showing off Jewish opulence in Sydney's Eastern suburbs.

@puff & let's not forget that the CIA tool who replaced Gough was that well known australian Jew the American sycophant Malcolm Fraser. . . And they ended up leaving him without his pants on! . . . Dickhead but proving what ugly people the Americans really are in their pursuit of failed wars. How amazing that one of the poorest countries in the world defeated the septics & now the #stupid s think they are going to take on & defeat China.

@puff on Jewish genocidal rats fleeing Israel I suggest that they be lobotomised before entering Australia & are required to have sponsors willing to pay for their lobotomised selves upkeep before being admitted.

@FrayedBear I like the ending of "Inglorious Bastards". But instead of a Swastika, use a Star of David.

@FrayedBear I've seen talk that the Israeli parliament plan to annex the West Bank in weeks. This will set the region on fire. Another Genocide Joe Biden gift to Trump, but it is the USA as a whole that will benefit from this gift.
So demented Genocide Joe gifts Trump war with Russia and as a added bonus, this distracts from Zionists eying the West Bank. All done in spite and an attempt to direct the new admin's agenda to match theirs; More control/ security state/ conflict. Undermine elected officials.
The greatest threat to US security right now is a threat from within. The Biden admin, rejected by the public but setting the US on their determined predestined course.

All this US internal politicking will just make BRICS that much stronger and attractive. The "West" no longer inspires.

@puff I've not seen either inglorious bastards nor inglourious basterds so do not know your meaning or suggested conclusion.

@Alienbeing - I can hear your cheers for this atrocity & its perpetrators way down here on the arse end of the world.

@puff my reaction to your reply only applies to your concluding paragraph. My reaction to the rest is 🤮🤬

@FrayedBear You should see Inglorious Bastards, good movie. Spoiler alert!!!!!!
They kill Nazi's. At the end, one makes a deal for his freedom and the bastards are not happy for him to get away scot-free. They thought he should be made to wear his Nazi uniform always so he couldn't hide. So they unenthusiastically released him, but carved a Swastika in his forehead first (you assume).

It would be good if IDF genocider's could also be marked for life so they are unable to hide and pretend to be human and live peaceful lives to old age.

@puff Any country IMO allowing them in is just asking for trouble eg. Amsterdam, Netherlands, Capetown S.Africa, USA, UK,Russia.
The only Spock, logical answer is to lobotomise them all. I suspect that only such a response will satisfy the Palestinians & Arab world. World Jewry can look after them the rest of their days.

@FrayedBear The only atrocities that occurred were comitted by Hamas,

@Alienbeing Then Netanyahu can easily defend himself in court then can't he. Or is the ICC just picking on Israel again? The forever victim.

@puff aliens don't understand the subtlety of sarcasm. The stupid bastard can't understand that world opinion is to lobotomise the lot of them so that they cannot do more harm.

@FrayedBear Your disagreement once again makes me feel confident that I am correct.

@puff The ICC is basically irrelevant. No self respecting country would yield its sovereignty to an entity that has no accountability and was never elected.

@puff Tatooing or marking will only result in the wearing it as a badge of pride like the Nazi concentration camp's number tatoos or it will be surgically removed. Whichever it will merely be a hoad for such psycopaths to repeat their atrocities on humanity.
I see that the Iranian Ayatollah is calling for Netanyahu's execution. IMO that is not only barbaric but results in people forgetting the atrocities that he committed. Far better to lobotomise & have them as living exhibits of what is to be done to such people as a warning to others. I suspect that it is only a matter of time before America starts implementing lobotomies instead of executions in its gaols.

@puff, @Alienbeing alien you continue your charade that you live in a country governed by people representing the citizens. They never have going back to your federation times.

At least there is a chance having judges & prosecutors from different legal environs that they will not all be imbued with the money & political expediency of corrupt brutal American law & dishonest lawyers like yourself.

@puff, @Alienbeing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 on "Your disagreement once again makes me feel confident that I am correct." Your delusion is absolute. I'm not sure that a good psychiatrist could cure your psychosis.

@Alienbeing I agree the ICC is largely irrelevant, like the UN. Why? Because some nations actively degrade these institutions, using them to cherry pick when it suits and rejecting (veto) when it doesn't eg who was cheering the most when the ICC put out a warrant for Putin?
And people wonder why the US rules based world order is being rejected in favour of a BRICS law based world order

@FrayedBear Your knowledge of American politics and government is so low that anything you belch out rgarding either subject is incorrect. Therefore replying to your ignorance is unnecessary.

@puff I agree in large part with your analysis, and add that third world countries in the UN are only there to seek hand outs.

@Alienbeing & @puff are the both of you the men who when passing an indigent begging on street

  1. ignore him,
  2. throw a dollar into his collection saying nothing
  3. before donating demand to know what your donation is going to be spent on? Or
  4. tell him to get a job?

@FrayedBear In Thailand I say "Barb" to beggars which means making bad merit (same word and meaning in Hindu interestingly, worked on beggars over there too).
A Monk will not even handle money, instead you do charity via food, clothing and shelter. I will offer to buy them food occasionally which is mostly refused. When the temple was asking for donations to build a new building, I dropped off a couple of bags of cement instead.

Don't see beggars here where I live, but in big cities in Asia they are usually mafia run so don't give them shit.
I see donating like "thoughts and prayers" mostly, may make you feel that you are a good person but actually does fuck all.

So in answer to your question, either offer to buy them a feed or ignore, #1,
And you?


@puff don't know about Asian situation. Here the worst is the xmas day subsidised church dinner when the ignorant cockies turn up in their Mercs & LTD's to pay $5 for their 3 course meal & steal the cutlery.

I was once in the position, about 30 years ago, of having no money but had contingency plans & so had small goods that could be sold door to door . . . I once had a NSW Hawker's licence, probably one of the last issued but then they made it a local council matter that effectively stopped it because council were not raising money from it & it was competing against rate paying shops . . . any way I went out & in 1 hour had made the $60 that I needed to live off for the next week.
My attitude therefore is that unless they are selling the latest Big Issue or busking half decently I just keep walking.

I love your donation of 2 bags of cement. The cheaper alternative of 6 bricks would probably see them being lobbed at your head as you walked away.
I presume that you only did it to curry favour from locals or female companions?

My long dead Jewish "adopted" brother in Rose Bay Sydney who had a lay preacher Methodist father cuckolded by his Jewish mother always used to deferentially treat Rabbi Brash & his wife to 10% discount from retail. I always remember Mrs Brash for her heavily adorned fingers - probably 10 carats of jewels & several ounces of gold on each hand. They had a finger language where they communicated to each other using their clasped hands.
He certainly got good return from the many Jews recommended by the Rabbi to frequent his shop. . . but I digress.

@FrayedBear I chipped in a bit, did some shoveling, when I dropped them off. Gave them a bottle of the local whisky too. Just did it for community, the Wat (temple) was just down the road. When the Monks walk around in the morning you don't give them money, always food and drink. I've even seen tobacco given as well as candles, soap, cushions etc.
Mind you, Buddhism is a bit of a mafia in Thailand. Plenty of filthy rich Monks/ Abbotts kicking around. Bit like Catholics, crims give big money to :make merit".

@puff I've been told that it's a wonderful way to avoid family obligations - you just tell her & the kids that you're joining the monks & are no longer family provider or responsible for them.

@FrayedBear Pretty well

@FrayedBear No I kick them and tell the to get out of my way.

I find it hard to listen to this. Not that I don’t believe, I do but it the matter of the Jewish people who have suffered under Natzis and now are doing some horrible atrocities to the Palestinians who never did anything to them.

@Jolanta it's crazy ironic. I suspect ww 2 veterans are spinning in their graves ie we have become what they fought.


Warrants news dismissed immediately by the US. It pays to have rich friends with unconditional bond, money and anything you need forever.

In fact, Israel has the power to help elect or defeat a US president. Netanyahu clearly plated well to frustrate every effort by Biden to do cease-fire and finally it led Democrats not vote for Biden.

Israel can do what American voters cannot.

A few if's coming your way 😉
If there is a war West Vs BRICS and if BRICS win they will hold tribunals over the whole global conflict eg Ukraine to Palestine. If all these if's happen, we may see justice. The winners write the history.
Israel did not care who won as their bitch is totally trained. I am positive he would have preferred Harris as being more pliable and much easier to bluff and bully than Trump.

@puff If there is a war and the US is involved, we will win, we cheat. We have more, better targeted nuclear devices than anyone else. We still have over 11,000 in retirement reserve if needed. WW III does not bode well for anyone opposing the US. Even our retirement reserves could be loaded and deployed with 95% probability of detonation with no additional work except to upload them.

@glennlab No-one wins a nuclear war. No such thing as a limited exchange of nuclear weapons.

Sorry, if the war stays conventional weapons only then Russia wins. Like Iran, they have enough conventional weapons to obliterate any target in the EU and the delivery means that has no defense; Hypersonic. If nukes are used, it won't be Russian first use. It will be the West, probably the UK or France. You see, as a nuclear power when attacked France may use nukes to retaliate, the whole idea of nukes eg we have them so don't attack. Would you blame France for retaliating? This is also the Russian position. It is also the USA's position, in fact, all nuclear powers. MAD.
You see, there is no leadership coming from the US to reign in these allies. Who is in charge in the USA right now? After authorising attacks on Russia, Biden offers no explanation or announcement. I watched a podcast with Ray McGovern who stated from his info, the Dept of Defense were unaware of this about turn in policy. You get that? The DoD was kept out the loop when the decision was made for enabling direct attacks on Russia.
Blinken and Sullivan are your presidents.

@glennlab I find her analysis of US military power based in reality. I have heard the US is good for a few weeks but if it lasts longer than that......................If things go nuclear, only need a few hours.


There seems to be support from the Government for arresting Netanyahu if he comes to the UK, which is unlikely.

Because if Netanyahu faces a court, so will his enablers.


Just like the one for Putin it may be sending a message but is hard to enforce. We all know this will also, very quickly be applied to tRump and many of his enablers. More and more fascist dictators are taking the reigns of global peace and prosperity.

You do understand the BRICS nations believe they are taking the reigns of global peace and prosperity away from fascist dictators aka "The West"? Which is why BRICS has my support. Because the West is now fascist and dictate their authoritarian world view on others through force, zero diplomacy.

@puff typical bullies.

@puff Russia is a big part of BRICS and to anyone living in the real world it is not now and never will be (under Putin) a promoter of global peace.

@pedigojr What? Unlike the US? Fuck right off!!! We are looking at WW III now.

Someone needs to ask genocide Joe why he authorised a direct attack on Russia post election when he rejected that option as too dangerous prior to the election. And where the fuck is Kamala, the VP?
Fucking Seppo's started this shit with their regime change coups, American exceptionalism and arrogance. Zero accountability nor leadership.
The fact is China builds shit whilst the US destroys. Do I really need to give examples?

@puff Please don't as, to me they are BS. Libertarians are mostly atheists and I know there are a lot on this site. Libertarianism is ultra right wing and who believe Ayn Rand is a goddess.


They may have issued warrants but I feel we will find that they fail to support them.

It will forever be on the Israeli resume now. A black mark on that country forever. I think when this all washes up, the Arabs will hang him if Israeli's don't do it themselves.
Like GW Bush is too scared to leave the US too. Another wanted criminal.


Not before time. USA hopefully will end up ostracised & sanctioned by the world


Netanyahu faces arrest from 124 countries

@Castlepaloma you never replied to my enquiry as to whether you would be interested & able to organise a sand sculpture contest.


I can organize a sandsculpture contest as I have done plenty in the pass. Do you have a sponsor for such an event??

@Castlepaloma maybe. I'll sound them out. They want good local PR & I reckon an event that could bring $millions in would be to their liking. Please message your website or email so I can present the beauty of such events.


I messaged you.


Says not valid email.

@Castlepaloma a test email just now took one minute from one of my other accounts to go thru the gmail postmaster & be delivered back to me.

@Castlepaloma email received & replied to thx.

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