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QUESTION This Scientist Wants to Bring ‘Star Trek’ Values to Congress

She says that as a vulcanologist, Star Trek references are a fact of life, since pretty much everyone she meets makes a joke about her studying Vulcans. Her standard response is to give the Vulcan salute and say “live long and prosper.”

“Its convenient because it’s something I actually believe in,” she says. “I do want people to live long and prosper, so I’d say it’s a pretty universally OK message.”

Listen to the complete interview with Jess Phoenix in Episode 284 of Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy (above). And check out some highlights from the discussion below.

zblaze 7 Dec 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I'd much prefer a Star Trek Future to that of Star Wars, or Star Gate.

Star Trek is the one science fiction chow where society evolves in a positive way instead of simply moving current societal problems, as is, into the future


And we need to start making politicians sign the Prime Directive!


What about her religious beliefs?


Already in progress. Instalation of Farengi values by Republicans is nearly complete. The POTUS even looks like a Farengi.

hahahaha Such an insult to the Ferengi! 😛

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