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If religion wasn't here, what would atheists bitch about?

atheist 8 Dec 13

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No worries. I have a list.

Not yet. But I just joined the site. Give it time.

@atheist I think you have a right to believe what you want to and again you could be right if you're an atheist are you could be wrong. I think they might can be a creator but not a Christian God he sounds awful mean to me


The president, taxes, it’s too hot. It’s too cold.

you forgot rain or no rain


If religion wasn't here everyone would be an atheist... so what do normal people bitch about?

Religion and Spirituality, or a belief in a natural order - Above so Below, etc... would still exist. Since religion is a man-made construct and tends toward 'laws' and rules that govern people with the fear of a hell - and was created for population control (not deities), its absence would not change the fact that people look to the heavens and wonder what else is out there. It is human nature to be curious, and for many to act upon that curiosity; therefore, creating their own sort of spiritual practice as a result. It is very possibly due to the loss that people feel, or loneliness that invokes fear of their not being anything else. Like a basic 'need', such as food, love, shelter etc..

So if religion wasn't here... religion would still exist? Remember theism is a religious belief, atheism is a lack of theism, if there is no religion, there is no theism, if there is no theism, everyone would be atheistic.


Old white guys.

@atheist ...we’re slow, plentiful easy targets..

I ain't that easy of a target, and I shoot back.

Tommy, yah, me either … and, me too 😉

Yep...this conversation...and there you go.

@TommyMeador Tommy I'm the same way I shoot back also main thing is never let them get the last word in

JamesKelly Yeah meathead, I'm like that too!


Probably Donald Trump.

Issa Level 5 Dec 14, 2017

The world would be a safer place...all current wars are based on religion...and wouldn't it be nice to have one less thing to bitch about? 🙂 Maybe we could attack poverty and hunger then...

lerlo Level 8 Dec 23, 2017

Thank you took the words right out of my mouth


Passive aggressive people.


Well...I wouldn’t have anything to bitch about lol. Everybody would be living in reality.

Ha ha ha! I won’t deny that. I hate when it’s too hot!!


People who make dumb suggestive biased uninformed comments like this.


This is a rude and ignorant question. If religion did not exist then everyone would be an atheist. Being atheist is the default. We are all born atheists. So, the question has a simple answer that you should have been able to realize for yourself.

I like your reply. That what I said is true Religion brainwashes you!


It would just be another Facebook. The reason there is so much religion/god talk on here is because most of us have not had so many similar minds in one place to share all of the ideas that we can't discuss with people, even if they are not strongly religious. I normally just get on Facebook for the memes and music sharing, once in a while I'll reach out to a friend if they are going through a rough time or to share pictures. I guess I'm pretty content with things in my life so I don't complain about that. The main sore that keeps getting scraped open is the religious fanatics that want to force people into belief.

when they start that I tell them I used to be religious I was saved join the church as I got older I started thinking outside the box Adam and Eve sounds like a fairytale. so I started doing research scientist are awesome. And one more thing that kills me, when someone has surgery they survive people will say thank the Lord, they should be thinking the surgeons, enough said

Getting rid of religion is the first step---- but a person doesn't walk very far on "one step".
If a person is not going to do something with their life, why bother? Stick with religion, what difference is there going to be?

@Diogenes @Diogenes It's difficult to read sarcasm, but now that I read your comment sarcastically I see the humor in it.


Politics, money... the same things everybody else does.


If religion didn't exist this earth would be a better place.

MoniB Level 6 Dec 23, 2017

We can all dream.

I wonder how many times I've said that my son agrees also my stepson agrees all we need is man-made laws. I sometimes bring it up to my mother which we no longer talk, Christians demolish the walls of Jericho went in Kill the men and made women and children slaves because they were not Christians


Well, not religion. I have faith in the human race to be able to create imaginative BS in order to feather their own nests.

I think people don't like the idea when you die there's no afterlife


We could complain about mean people .... meanness appears to exist regardless of belief or lack thereof.

SKH78 Level 8 Dec 21, 2017

@atheist she might have a point maybe over money sex, worldly things jealousy I'm just saying


I have never thought that we "bitch". We merely see clearly how much better the world would be if all the weird religious "do's & don'ts or you'll be damned" claptrap didn't exist. Period!

I agree I did not ask to be born so why would they be a god condemn me to hell if he made me if that's true he is definitely a hateful God


I think there are other false beliefs out there that have nothing to do with religion.

Really? With all due respect what would that be?

@JamesKelly The people who believe the earth is flat. The whole idea of "trickle down" AKA "supply side" economics. The idea that people are not also animals. There are also a great deal of false beliefs generated by "the fallacies of logic".

Man is capable to reasoning, but it is a trait which most often has to be taught, learned, trained and honed , because our animal instincts, usually expressed as emotions, will lead us do irrational things all the time if we don't make a conscious effort.

Most humans are capable of rational thought, but that does nto mean they are innately rational.


The other ills in the world like politics, bad relationships, people who have more than 13 items in their grocery cart in the express lane, people that drive too slow and in the left lane, why my bones creek in the morning, you know.. important things like that.. 🙂


politics... exclusively


what makes you think atheists bitch about religion? I don't.

Nice response.


Hey, this is kinda like 'what is the sound of one hand clapping' or 'tree falls in the woods, no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound' type of thingy....they would bitch about religion still, cuz it doesn't exist...see?

atheist. Hahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa~


No religion = no need to bitch.

@atheist I agree! But the NEED to bitch is removed. We'll just bitch because we are just little bitches then.

@atheist I have to tell you that I know kitty-fu, and will use it when I'm bitchy.


The lack of religion doesn't automatically mean lack of stupid people, so there'd be a lot to bitch about.


Liked that question; right on! And why is religion even important enough to "bitch about"?

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