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How many times do you wake up at night?

Geeze.... I wake up 3 to 4 times at night. Simple things wake me. I'm to hot and kick off some blankets. Some little light shining on the wall will wake me... got to pee wakes me... what wakes you?

BucketlistBob 8 Dec 14

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I have insomnia regularly. Some nights I don't sleep a wink. When I sleep, I wake four or five times a night. Just not a good time for me. Don't know why I wake.


The only thing that wakes me up is my own snoring,and if I did not wear a anti snoring mouth piece I would wake up about 15 times a night and my wife would also wake up the same amount of times


Several, usually to pee.


I am grateful I wake up to pee. I do sleep lighter than when I was younger and wake earlier.This is one of the side effects of time on our brain. When I was very young my brain must have been on fire because I had a real hard time going to sleep. I will take early wakening or interrupted sleep over that

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