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QUESTION (WHAT IF- from the Skeptical Avenger) A Conspiracy Theory: What if Trump has been a masterful actor from the beginning?

What if he has deliberately played the fool for years or decades, but is secretly an uber-genius who knows exactly what he’s doing and has been playing EVERYONE? What if things like the leaks about the first bumbling days in the White House and the whole no-attention span thing were deliberately orchestrated to keep our guard down?

SharonK 5 Dec 14

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Well, technically he is if you consider considering Celebrity apprentice and such as acting. I don't but that type of thing is what got him enough traction to swing, swing states to republican and win last year. Electrol roll, as usual, changed the outcome. If by citizen votes other way but enough actually voted for the guy. You're in for 4 years.


That would shock me about as much as finding out the moon landing was a hoax or the Earth is flat.


Not a chance. He lacks both the intelligence and the termperament.


Then we might be in more trouble than I thought we were.

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