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How do we start a local, or nationwide support system for non-delusions (a.k.a. atheistics and agnostics) so we can have the same social benefits as the Delusionals? Sunday gatherings, Wednesday night get togethers, classes for the younger folks on science, technology, engineering, math, critical thinking, compassion and reason?

Corollary question: what would it take for YOU to join this group?

AtheistInNC 7 Dec 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Don’t forget potlucks


Where are you located? There are many Atheist groups in USA and I can check the lists for you.


I wouldn't join a group as it sounds as bad as religion really. I think just carry on and ignore that religious crap.

Well, I used to belong to two Atheist groups....One of these groups collected "gently used items" to give among those in need; the items of clothing were placed inside plastic bag with the lettering W....Atheists. the second group was involved in fomenting freedom from religion in the military and for politicians. I guess, these groups were nothing like the religious ones. No?

How is getting together and teaching kids science and technology 'religious crap'?
I don't understand.

teaching kids how to think is great but having an agnostic group is another thing.

not teaching them what to think.


Register as a religion. I had a church at one time dedicated to Agnosticism, had it registered as a was easy as cake, but I went back to doing the band thing and didn't have time to maintain it, so I disbanded pretty quickly. Form your non-profit, maintain a REAL non-profit, please, get instructor's who want to teach under your banner, and presto! zingo! There you go. But no, I probably wouldn't go to your institution. I don't care for denominational prejudiced learning facilities.


There would have to be something for singles in order to get me to join such a group. A social club?


We have a humanist/freethinker meetup close by, but it's not very publicized or attended. But then again, I pretty much live in the middle of church central.


Aside from, which can be good, this is already doing a service.


Create a church!

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