The Bible Belt: Besides almost everywhere in America, where is it? It seems to me that the Bible Belt most people refer to is the southern part of the Bible Belt.
I ask because, even though I live up north, about 1 hour from Chicago, there are 13 churches in my little town ....and of course almost everyone, irregardless of how much drinking, fun and hedonistic adventure they have, will always refer to themselves as "Christian" or a believer. (I think I used to be that person).
Anyway it doesn't seem to me that this Bible Belt is simply tucked away in some remote corner of the country. Is it a political definition?
IDK....what say you?
Go to UTAH and parts of Northern Arizona and Western Idaho. The Latter day saints "rule" those regions. Hell, EVERY MEMBER OF THE CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION FROM UTAH IS A MORMON! ! Go there and enjoy the madness.