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No shit... any other huge news?


However the billionaires have many millions more after tax cuts that they will never pay in taxes , wages or be able to spend.


Of course the current administration recently gave Corporations and the richest Americans a huge tax break and most of the companies that got that break say they will not spread the new found wealth to their workers. []
Large corporations ought to be forced to pay a living wage, which is what Sherrod Brown’s plan is about [].
Also note that one of Seattle's largest resident corporations, Amazon extorted the City over the City's plan to tax it and the city backed down (even though Bernie called it a victory) cutting the proposed tax roughly in half.

cava Level 7 May 19, 2018

The U.K. It's happening all over!Keep them poor and in "In Their Place" "Be Thankful For What Youv'e Got" Their Are People Worse Off"

Coldo Level 8 May 19, 2018

My family and I just today had to go to not one but TWO covenant churches for assistance with bills and groceries. I've never felt so dirty as I did admitting to a covvie that I am too poor to afford toilet paper.

The only ray of joy I got was when I got a modest church guy to say the word "tampons" 4 times, each time more hilarious than the last. He was red and stuttering it out like the very word was brimstone on his tongue. Hey if I have to be subjected to "Christ provides our church welcomes you sinner thanks be unto him" I'm going to at least make you say tampon.

Don't feel ashamed sweetie... You are beautiful...

Be strong, you will get through this. And WTG with making a man say tampons. Good for you.

@HippieChick58 what is WTG ? Lol

@LadyAlyxandrea Way to go!

@HippieChick58 oh goodness thank you lol

Keep trucking!!!


Poverty is the worst form of violence. -- Ghandi

It is awful. I could feel political power slipping in the late 70s, and have watched the US degrade as it spent money on war, and failed to do anything about climate change. I am very worried.

Love that quote. Imma use it.

I found that quote and posted it to FB


Similar here (Oz) not sure how Canada and Britain are going.
Our wealthiest 1% now own more than the poorer 70% combined/ That really skews what middle class is. Scary one for me is that in the past decade or so, the wealthiest 1% here have increased their wealth and the less wealthy have gone backwards. hmmmm, and the wealthy have just received tax cuts and no increase in income for those now so well off.

So is it still hard to get a job there if you over 35?

@patchoullijulie 35 may be doable, but certainly over 40 is a problem. Many companies are fine with employing older people, many are not. Qualifications and experience are quickly out of date.I am just on 60, almost retired which s a good thing. Jobs at my age are much like sex in prison. You can't get what you want, and what you get, you don't want.

@Rugglesby So not much has changed. I was back there in 2010 and couldn't find a job to save my life. I ended up having to create my own little business to survive. I returned to the states and had a job within a month. Saddened me.

@patchoullijulie Our big problem is hidden from the statistics. People are working so not unemployed, but they are in part time and casual jobs with no future. Under valued, under paid and without job security. I have had jobs that are close to unskilled only to have the company expect me to undertake high level financial or computer work on a basic pay level.
Now I work for a community organisation on a retainer of $200 a week, that is all I get, I do work at all levels but also get to use organisation resources including staff time for projects I think of myself. A trade off. I would hate to be someone in desperate need of work here.

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