In fact, the phenomenon is nothing new. This acute cognitive dissonance has historical roots relating to how women have been conditioned to treat their own kind. It is what feminists identify as the consequences of patriarchy: the pervasiveness of the belief that men and women are born with two different sets of values and worth. When taken to the extreme, this belief holds that women are less than, and should be considered possessions of men to be used and abused as men please.
This historical pervasiveness spans time and place. But the Alabama election proves it also spans bodies: The belief that women are less than men, and that are property of men, is not only a belief harbored by men but by women as well.
I think you just summed up what is called rape culture. Patriarchy enpowers and for some legitimizes rape culture. Rape is an act of one with greater power dominating and objectifying someone with less power. It's intimate which is what makes it so brutal. Rape culture basically instills this rape relationship into basic relationship between two people, usually, but not always, between a man and a woman. It is pervasive and historical. As you said, it "is not only a belief harbored by men but by women as well.
I have cousin who lives in PA. She is a devote Christian and always defers to her husband. I went down there last year and had a tough time talking to her because her husband would answer for her. It was so irritating. The both have bachelors degrees in ministry.
Coming from the Northeast I believe most women are more independent and raised more as equals. Middle America and the South have a long way to go. I can't believe that college educated women would succumb to less value belief.
Well said!