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Bernie Sanders gets in hot water for once saying that some women have rape fantasies, but several women I have been with have asked me to tie them up and/or hold them down as part of love play. What gives? Is this one of those things that everybody knows about but no one is supposed to talk about?

Diarmaede 7 Dec 15

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I listened to a female friend talk about her rape fantasy, once, at a party. My girlfriend at the time sat frozen beside me - she had been raped, and not told these other people, her friends.

Pmabz Level 3 Feb 10, 2018

Many right wingers who love Arn Rand, will on the one hand criticize Bernie Sanders, but won't acknowledge that in "The Fountainhead" the lead female character gets raped by the lead male character and then falls in love with him.

I myself, have alwasy been critical of that book for that premise. I always thought it was unrealistic, but in further readings have foudn that yes, some women want to be "taken" in a way where they have no co9ntrol. I have since encountered some men with similar fantasies, so it isn't just women.

I now view it as mostly extreme role playing, although I suspect in many cases the agresser, does not always have consent for what they do, which makes it actual rape.

I con't think such behavior is easy to categorize or define. In my opinion, if a person does nto get consent beforehand, it should always be considered rape.


Even in BDSM, which I am NOT into, they have safe words. There is no safe word when you are being raped. So no, this is about something someone should see the difference in.

I just find the very thought of rape, in any context, disturbing.


it is a lot of woman's fantasies at least just the thought of it or role play.


I missed Bernie’s comment, dosen’t sound a lot like him... years ago I read about those fantasies, and you’re right it’s not something we talk much about. The thought that a woman would want to be tied up, held down doesn’t sit well with me, not sayin it’s “weird weird”... I just find it hard to believe it’s common... and why would you talk about it.
Hey, maybe it’s me, I’ve never been asked for, requested, experienced “rough sex”... not judging, but what am I missing ?

Tomas Level 7 Dec 15, 2017

He didn't say it, Sanders wrote an essay (in his thirties, btw) about a woman enjoying being gang raped. Rape and consensual sex are totally different things. Your argument is akin to equating consensual bdsm impact play to spousal abuse. Consent, negotiated limits and kink within defined boundaries bear absolutely no resemblance to rape. If you can't see the difference between a woman willingly exploring sexual boundaries with a trusted partner versus being forced to commit personally loathsome acts, then please don't date.

God no. He never did say any woman enjoyed being gang raped. That is twisting what he did say. His essay is still online, I read it not long ago. It is about what people fantasize about, men too. it is not flattering for men or women what he says, but as I understood it it was meant to poke into the taboo of speaking about our ... sexual phantasies, which often are a far cry from the tidy, nice, heterosexual committed married relationship.

This changes the context completely. Unless he was saying, "Boy, that fantasy just doesn't meet up to the reality. What a let down." Indirectly, who gives a crap. (Other than wanting to see it read out loud by a Bernie Sanders impersonator...)


There is a campaign against sex right now. Someone is teaching over sensitivity about the topic to women, while creating fear about it to men. This creates a divide in the population allowing for easier control.

If the them in us versus them is the opposite sex them its not the aristocracy.

You know, maybe


bdsm is not about power, believe it or not. It's about sex. You can play all the games you want, including using ropes or handcuffs. It's still ultimately about sex. Both partners are equal and together in the enjoyment of it. You can have rape fantasies with a partner. But the two are still just playing together as respected equals in acting out a fantasy. Genuine rape is altogether different. It is one person overpowering and humiliating the other person. It's about really trying to inflict trauma and degredation upon the other. One is creative play and the other is a moral travesty. When you look at it like this it's easy to tell the difference. I can tell you the woman can tell the difference.

My whole point is that there is a distinct difference between the two. I suspect that Bernie already knows the difference. The problem is that society is still Christian in it's "moral standards" that most can not distinguish the difference and insist that a woman with a rape fantasy actually wants to be raped, which is nonesense. Bernie is a politician who knows if he gets to open minded he will get a backlash. Which is what happened. Yes there is such a thing as a rape fantasy.

You left out the element of trust. From what I have read (I haven't experienced mind, so, who am I, really, to speak), that element is key. If it is ever broken, then the dynamic is ruined so that it is no longer play.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Yeah your right. Trust makes the fun possible.


Women are enculturated to abdicate responsibility for our sexuality and desires. To joyfully embrace my sexual nature gets me labeled as a "Slut", which I am happy to claim. ????

I fucking love sluts. You do your thing girl.


You have furries and furry porn. I'm sure the majority of them don't want to really fuck animals.

Like others said, it's all about context.

I can't answer the some part since I have never been in the furry community.


Maybe they read or saw the movie "50 Shades of Grey" lol.


I think it is more about appropriate conversation for your position. If you are in a position to command other people, it probably isn't okay to talk about rape fantasies in almost any context, unless you are the manager of a porn shop or porn shop related. It may be you trying to make a point, or whatever, but it opens doors to people who are less discerning feeling empowered to take inappropriate steps. Hence a 'uncomfortable workspace'. Which is why I am an artist/musician. I like to live in that 'uncomfortable workspace'.

PS: I am a huge fan of Bernie Sanders (wouldn't vote for him for president, but not because of him, but congress would have neutered him, and his movement would have been destroyed).


I've read what Bernie Sanders wrote, but there was a broader context that people ignore, missing a larger social point he was making. I don't recall the specifics without looking it up, but I find this to be one of those deliberate misrepresentations by political opponents who don't care about intent and want only to discredit.

Exactly. He was brave ( or dumb) enough to touch this ... um, difficult topic. Yes, people of all genders have all sorts of phantasies or erotic ideas, not all of them welcome, certainly not all shared with everyone at the after church cup of tea. What he wrote about was delving into psychology... badly missing today where we are so fast and furious with allegations.

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