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So, wait, which level do we have to be to get a t-shirt? 7?

LimitedLight 7 May 21

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Hi there! I'm a newbie here and look forward to someone explaining what levels you're talking about. Are there any free t-shirts available? I'm down for it if it's something similar to Travis Scott merchandise []. I only need someone to explain to me in plain words how I get to level 7. I highly appreciate any advice you could provide, and I look forward to your reply. I hope everyone here is doing great, and I wish you peace and a pile of free t-shirts, lol.


I don't want one. A little subtlety would be more appealing.


It doesn't really matter for me anyway.... If I wear one I suspect people will throw stones at me until they make sure I am dead...... No, I will always settle for staying alive ?????


I tried to find a merch section of the website but can't seem to find one. Been wondering how people are getting shirts as well.

@LimitedLight mugs, shirts, bumper stickers. Hey...maybe we should go into business together! We'll make thousands, lol.


Afaik the site does not prohibit anyone from obtain any sort of clothing at any level.
You're welcome ?.


Level 54 !

Yip, you have a long way to go ? Lol


Level eight.
I already earned one, of course, but I said I'd wait until I get back to the US to get it, to save the high postage rates to Thailand.


Nope, level 8, which I am closing in on.


Thought that was just a joke .

@LimitedLight I have , on occasion , been places where you can have tees made to order . A photo of a specific tee doesn't mean it's being mass produced . Do you recall what you paid , by way of dues ?

@LimitedLight The size options , are much more limited than the sizes of the bodies shown in the photos .

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