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Tea or coffee?

Do you prefer to drink tea or coffee as a source of caffeine?

  • 32 votes
  • 25 votes
  • 8 votes
Catnublia 6 May 21

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32 comments (26 - 32)

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What about cocoa you can have marshmellows and sprinkles.


I've become an all day tea drinker with a casual coffee here or there. Maybe it's because tea has more caffeine or that it's soothing. Maybe both, but I like it way more than coffee anymore.

LizL Level 5 May 21, 2018

I always thought coffee had more caffeine than tea.


Daily coffee drinker, but once in a while I do enjoy a cup of Earl Grey


Coffee, coffee. I do like tea tho...


Hot leaf water lol is that an Avatar reference?


Hot leaf water lol is that an Avatar reference?


Tea day to day but a nice coffee as a treat. (Not from the coffee houses but a good cafe)

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