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QUESTION Beyond the Johnson Amendment: More Reasons for Humanists to Worry about the Tax Bill -

Congressional Republicans’ contempt for secular public education is on full display. The Senate version of the bill includes an amendment introduced by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) allowing parents to use tax-free college savings accounts to pay for private school tuition. A similar provision exists in the House version. Nearly eight-in-ten students attending private schools and about seven-in-ten private schools are religious in nature, most of these Christian. Our elected officials are making it easier for parents to abandon public schools in favor of private education that very often snubs longstanding scientific principles and uses taxpayers’ money, whether they are religious or not, to do so.

zblaze 7 Dec 16

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only in angrywhitemenistan.!! you lot had better get your poop together or the 21st century is going to treat you all very harshly


Ok so they left out the Johnson Amendment but Conservative Republicans are going to destroy the public school system with Betsy Devos at the Department of Education. Only mid-term elections will solve this trend.

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