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Is trumpie going to be successful with his sly banter and avoid his sins by persuading his base that everyone in the government is out to get him?

Marine 8 May 21

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I say let the proof come to light...assuming there is any actual evidence that is. You're on a roll today, hope all has been going well for you. Try not to let politics stress you out too much. I know if I did, I'd be bald by now😉


No, he is done so fork him

jeffy Level 7 May 21, 2018

Well said


Trump doesn't have to persuade. Trumpians will believe whatever he says regardless of any evidence to the contrary.

I was hoping some would see the light like the farmers who are loosing a great deal with his policies and tariffs


"Sly banter" implies a nimble brain.....

my mistake.


his mental illness has cast a spell.

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