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In America, will justice ever be blind?

Considering all the biases humans are suffering from, Can the American justice system ever function as it is supposed to? Equal treatment under the law.

McVinegar 8 May 22

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In my opinion the "justice system" was designed so it could be biased. It is not much different than mobsters offering protection to business owners after trashing their place.First they convince people it is needed, then they set up an educational system that most of us could not afford to go to let alone have a strong enough educational base to pass tests and we are supposed to believe it was developed for our welfare? No way it is another scheme by the elite to maintain control. I think we did better before we were governed because we had stronger communities and ethical leaders that were directly impacted by the decisions they made.

@McVinegar We did not have a judicial system though. We were self regulated not governed from outside the community.

@McVinegar Okay I am using the wrong terminology. There was a hierarchy and justice did get served but it was from members of the tribe itself not a system outside of it.

@McVinegar I am pretty sure you know what I mean. I am done trying to explain the difference to you between tribal justice and systemic justice. There is a huge difference between the two. Enough said.


No, because people who occupy the legal system are usually Republicans, and most of them are intellectually impaired.


Considering that justice is an entirely human social concept, and humans are inherently flawed, suffer biases left and right, and tend to be emotionally driven, rather than rationally driven more times than not, I think that it is impossible to create a system of justice that is truly blind.

Rather, I think that it is an ideal; a goal to aspire to. Something to remind us of what we want to acheive and should strive for as we continually revise our society to be better and better over time.

Unfortunately, we have to fight tooth and nail against those who mistakenly believe that "justice" means them being in power and everyone else being subject to their beliefs. So it's no easy task we have.



Coldo Level 8 May 22, 2018

As long as racist assholes exist (and they're in power), no.


I doubt it. Neither truth nor justice are the objectives of the American judicial system. It is about winning and losing.


Probably not... I once considered how you might try it. Neither party shows up in court in person. All names, races, sexes, other identifying information removed, so that the court only sees the evidence, events, and explanations. The issue is that this would be nearly impossible to accomplish in most cases... maybe machine judges? But then whoever programs the machines could unintentionally bias the machine....


In th'murica ?
No. Money can make things happen, or not happen.


Justice has rarely been blind in any culture. Nevertheless, it is goal worth aspiring toward.


So what would need to happen first? Equal treatment or good information? Would good information include nobody involved is lying? Let's say the facts of your case are accurately conveyed by both sides, does the sheer amount of bald faced lying going on in all the surrounding cases artificially taint yours? I don't think we will ever get perfect, but I think honesty would go a long way to fixing the lives of the officers and judicial system that is supposed to help.


Unfortunately, I doubt it.
Humans are too flawed.


Maybe if judges, juries and cops are made up by AI in the future? But that could still get scary depending on who’s got the override authority ...

And who programmed the AI with what agenda/bias?

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