As he relates in the history of Israel’s “first successful experiment with monotheism,” such an evolution might also come about as the result of a “profound disruption” to preexisting belief systems. The elements of such a disruption are on the verge of combustion in the Middle East now, where three nuclear states—the US, Russia, and Israel—warily maneuver around each other in Syria. Iran, now one year away from becoming a nuclear state, is preparing a military campaign to annihilate the country its leaders describe as “the Little Satan.” This conflict could have reverberating effects throughout the world, which remains precariously dependent on the energy resources of that region. Unfortunately the influence of religious nationalism within the US, Iran, and Israel is making the disruptive path the more likely one.
Back in the 1940s, political scientist Hans Morgenthau stated the postulate that the amount or degree of aggressive nationalism and imperialism that is expressed in a nation's foreign policy is inversely proportional to the nation's internal economic and political stability.
Simply put, the greater the country's economic and political problems, the greater the likelihood that the country will become aggressively nationalistic and/or imperialistic in its foreign policy. That can be applied to Iran, Israel, Syria, Russia;, Turkey, and North Korea and other countries. What happens is that unethical political leaders stir up trouble internationally to divert attention away from the effects of their own actions.
Which countries are the next to become ultra nationalistic? Watch for internal problems as a predictor.