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LINK Southern Baptist Leader Who Said Abused Women Should Just Pray Is Removed From Post | HuffPost

Sometimes they get it right. I just wish he would have lost it all. Good riddance.

Rideauxb 7 May 24

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He wasn't punished. He was just transferred to a position out of public view. It's a shame there is no punishment. Isn't this what the Catholic Church does when hiding their pedophiles and rapists? Makes me so angry.


I was listening to the news on the radio yesterday and heard this fool speak. It was so pathetic. He also convinced a rape victim to not press charges but to 'pray' for the sinner. Sheesh.


When women stand together to demand change, even misogynistic religious leaders must listen, or lose donations.

If these Baptist women can grow a backbone, maybe more religious women will vote in the next election to get rid of the partriachal, abusive GOP.

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