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Who's dizzy?

Sent to me by a rabid "Born Again /Saved" Baptist who wanted me to know that Aryan Jesus is VERY CONCERNED about me being possessed by DEMONS!!!! D E M O N S brothers and sisters!!!
Can I get a "PRAISE GOD"!!!???!!

bigpawbullets 9 May 24

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Cue the theme to Twighlight Zone or better yet The Outer Limits (please stand by).
Ugh, I'm showing my age again...

Does this person think Dizzy Gillespie was demon possessed?
ACK, now I've REALLY shown my age ?


I have a welcome mat out for him. ?


When that happens to my I check my blood pressure and it will be low. The blood is leaving my head but then I recover. It is low BP.

No, you're obviously confusing medical science with the true belief. Demons. Really nasty ones too.

@bigpawbullets hahaha

It's probably spirits (like whiskey) ?


Some people...

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