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Shoot straight from the hip..

When should you lack diplomacy?

AMGT 8 May 25

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"Speak the truth even if your voice shakes".. "Silence is the voice of complicity"...


I rely on my piss poor judgment to get me through those situations.


Whenever I feel it's necessary to lack it.


As a buddy of mine used to always say 'Jok'em if they can't take a fuck.'


My cell service when a call comes in, tells me"Scam Likely" so I don't answer, and If I do,accidently,I reply in glutteral grunts, and mumbles.

Try answering, "Go ahead caller, you're on the air." ?


I'm a bit of an introvert, it could stem from avoiding those situations.


When it's required.
When it's something you don't want or want to do.
When you're enduring some tirade, sales pitch, pointless encounter.

  • I think people cause a lot of their own problems by doing things because they think they should. It builds up anger, frustration, resentment, which then gets unleashed on someone due to a trivial matter. Worse, they know they're doing it - how many times have you heard or said 'this sucks, I don't want to be here or do this', but you do out of some sense of obligation, tradition or someone else's expectation. Then wonder why you're so frustrated or angry at times.
    It's bullshit.
    People have told me I'm rude, arrogant, and every other descriptor because I try to not do things I simply don't want to do or put up with something I think is wrong or don't agree with. "That's not polite" Eh. I'd rather that than be somewhere I don't want to be or feel my time is being wasted by someone else.
    Learn to say " no".
    Learn to say "fuck off".
    What are they going to do ? Think you're not nice ?
    So what.
    Added bonus : it keeps them from trying the same shit with you again.

And yeah, "I'll try that with my boss" and such.
If the reasons for wanting to endure outweigh the ones for not wanting to - then you want to.


They hate when I do that at work.


Must remember that when chatting on the phone to my mother...


We shouldn't.... That being said, a sound NO should suffice. I know there may be times, it depends


Thanks for the reminder.


I see i didnt get it right... sorry Amy. I deleted it.

@AMGT You did fine. Too many people just being snarky.


Ok... this is what she meant.

It's always women's lips layered in lipstick....


Ok. Fuck off.

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