Since I like hearing differences of opinion, I included a few potentially controversial excerpts each time. Generally this was well received, but a couple of people at both Jewish humanist organizations were upset by my piece on Why I No Longer Support Israel, in which I said the Law of Return for Jews has outlived its usefulness. (I think displaced Palestinians are more deserving of the right to return than I am. Why should American Jews have the right to “return” to a place they may have never been? I said I would support Israel when it lives up to the ideals in its Declaration of Independence by putting human rights and social justice above sectarian concern, and treating its minorities as equal citizens.)
After reading (re-reading since I read it some time ago) I became really interested in the terms "Theoretical Humanist" and "Applied Humanist". I disagree with the breakdown because organizing should be a part of the applied side (in my opinion). This is where I am right now with this group. The group seems mostly directed at theoretical and there is little applied (aside from sharing notes). I am an activist and have to get my hands dirty and feel I am physically doing something. Finding that niche is an ongoing process but I have an idea I am working on.
All too often people are too quick to confuse anti-Zionism with antisemitism.I got into a debate with one of the writers in the Humanists group when I said it was time for the Israeli's to stop licking their wounds and really practice what they preach. They should practice general tolerance versus specific tolerance. The constant haranguing of how they were treated in the past yet ignoring how they are treating others in the present. An interesting aside, one would think people who have been discriminated against would be more sensitive with others. I have noted often they seem even more apt to discriminate against others. Are there some surveys on this?
I had a very good friend named Feldman. We went on a group camping trip and he was making spaghetti sauce. One was vegetarian and the other had a mixture of ground meats, pork included. I asked if he was going to eat the vegetarian. He got angry (not at me) and said no he was eating the meat because he wanted to rebel at how the Jewish Israeli's were treating the Palestinians.
To me we have to start separating people from policies. When 'W' was president and we traveled we would say we were Canadians. It was too easy for others to think we supported his policies which we did not.
Thanks for your time Jack.
This is new and exciting to me. Humanism is new to my vocabulary but I like the idea of useful charity to people who actually need it in this country-not sending money to plant a tree in Israel like our parents did or support a Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. As far as right to return it held true after World War II and later migrations from Arab and North African countries. Lastly Eastern Europe. The Palestineans should also have the right of return. A two state nation is called for.
I agree to a lot of things you say but question what is "useful" and what is "harmful"?
Remember the adage (religious but often applicable) "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions".
I donate time and money to charities/organizations like the Nature Conservancy, Planned Parenthood and Engender health (look it up), the Brights, PBS/NPR, Coalition to stop gun violence and, since I live on a special island a dozen of local groups as our Family Resource Center, BLM/National Monument, local clinic, Library and more. I always question whether these groups are inclusive (some are) or exclusive. Exclusive, to me means LIFE in general not just human.