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Does anyone believe in aliens?

I watch the history channel a lot and I am seeing more and more scientists claiming that there must have been aliens who visited our planet long ago. So my question is could humanity be the children or creation of aliens or were we influenced by E.T. in a way that changed our history?

IpraiseMYSELF 6 May 25

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As someone else said, I’m agnostic about aliens. Just the vast distances between planets in solar systems, the vast distances of solar systems in galaxies, and the almost incomprehensible distances between galaxies make me doubt other life forms can get here from there. Yet I love to watch Ancient Aliens and argue with the TV.


I believe in the statistical likelihood of extraterrestrial life having evolved elsewhere in the galaxy and universe, unless we are the first to do so.
I believe in the possibility of extra dimensional beings given that quantum physics postulated the likelihood the many world theory being correct.
However I have and have been presented with no evidence to support the idea any aliens of any form or origin have ever been in direct communication with human beings.


Depends upon your meaning. I leaning toward the octopus is like not from around here.

That idea alone should make us all drink more wine.

I'll start.


I think for humans to think we are the only ones on this planet borders on being egotistical!


Mathematically, I'd say that there are probably life forms on other planets somewhere.

Also mathematically, we are so far away that we will never know for sure, let alone come face to face with them. Space is big...really, really big


I think the real question should be "How can we help the aliens to finally believe in themselves?"


The idea is possible, though there are good arguments for why we might not find anything out there. Some of the best arguments against alien life that I have seen are the Fermi paradox, Von Neumann probes, and the great filter.


I accept the possibility there may be life forms on other planets.
I do not think ET was involved in our evolution.

Makes for a good story.



Who knows for sure? On another note, did you see my comment on another of your posts?


I doubt they're 'out there' in any useful way. Applying the rule of mediocrity, then there's bound to be life:

Bacteria, amoebas and teensy things... Very, very likely.
Complex organisms... Less likely, as it's not a given that eukaryotic life will inevitably form — but still possible that there are/were some.
Civilisations... Once in an aeon of Sundays, maybe, but the chances of them overlapping in time with other civilisations — let alone sharing a galaxy — would be miniscule.

By that reckoning, I don't think it's likely that we are the result of alien fiddlings... It's a sad thing for some to accept, but I think we really are just clever monkeys and a natural product of this planet.


I think the universe is large enough so life may have taken hold somewhere else, but I read an article by an astronomy professor that also made me ponder the odds of having another planet in the exact Goldilocks zone it takes for life to form.

And I also think, if there is life somewhere else, we have no idea what it is. It could be a planet of slugs. So I think it is possible, but we have no idea what it might be.


I've no doubt there's other life out there. There's too many stars.


I've dated two and married one. Oh hell yes!

that's FUCKING awesome!


I certainly believe there is "something" other than us in the universe. It is my hope to known this in my lifetime. However, our limited intelligence may make the realization of this difficult if not impossible.


The possibility: yes. The actuality: no. For entertainment: yes.


It's not feasible that we are the ONLY intelligent life when there are 100 billion galaxies so...yes

Xena Level 6 May 25, 2018

I'm sure there are aliens out there somewhere, but I doubt very seriously that they've ever been here.

Have you never been to Alabama?

@Sticks48 lol

@Sticks48 LOL. You have timing of a comedian!

@DarwinistOne You are too kind. Thank you. ?


I’m agnostic about that, too. It’s possible there’s other life out there. Do I believe in big-eyed grays abducting folks for probing? Nah, not so much.


of course


I'm open to it at least. The probability of life outside our solar system is high. We live in a universe with trillions of planets, who's to say that at least one of them has life.

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