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LINK ‘Hair’ Set as NBC’s Next Live Musical

Very much looking forward to this, but also wondering what the censors will cut out!

bleurowz 8 May 27

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Saw 'Hair' live in Chicago in 1970. A great musical and a lot of fun. Cut out: songs, nudity.


No one can replace Divine.

Was Divine in Hair? Or are you thinking of Hairspray?

@bleurowz Sorry, yes, Hairspray. I read Hair and my pop-culture addled brain immediately saw 'Hairspray.' ...I guess after Jesus Christ Superstar, the '70s are back in a big way.


First thought... Genitals being used for ratings.

Or peace signs. Or cannabis leaves.


My favorite.... so many pooular songs!


So.... it's going to be a five minute commercial during a rerun of friends? How does one go about doing a version of Hair which can be aired on network television?



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