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Isn't AGNOSTIC.COM supposed to be a place for NON-BELIEVERS?

I thought the whole point of this site was for NON-BELIEVERS ONLY....??? I just saw a new profile for someone who is listed strictly as 'religious'...and straight up said they are 'christian' in their profile! WTF??!?! I came here to escape that!! Everywhere else is already overrun with them. I thought l had finally found a place where they couldn't exist...??? If just anyone can join, what is the point...???

Free_2B_Me 7 May 27

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I don't care what others choose to do here or with whom they wish to main point comes down to this: l came here strictly because l was led to believe it was for non-believers only. Period. That's what the ad on Facebook says and that's what the main screen shows when you login. When it ceases to be what it is represented to be, then it all begins to feel like a lie. Like l was duped into this. Like l was conned. Just like religion. And noone wants to feel like that.

If there are others like me (and l'm sure there are) who have spent their lives trying to escape their religious families, etc and they come here seeking refuge, it does not bode well for there to be people of religion here to disrupt that.

What was once a place of solace and sanctuary with like minded people once again becomes a place of having to debate/defend your (non) beliefs to those who wish to attack them.

If that becomes the case, then the site could potentially end up losing good members over it. Which is the opposite of what a 'Community' is designed to do.


Well how are we to increase our ranks if we prevent believers from engaging with us. You can block them if it bothers you so much. I do not think it is appropriate to isolate them. I just don't like the idea of the segregation of opposing ideas. Block them if you choose.

I have never engaged with a believer who came any closer to 'becoming one of us'. Every non-believer l've ever known came to that logic on their own...over time...through life experience. It wasn't something they were talked into. If the people joining here were considering being 'converted', they would already be calling themselves skeptics...not still retaining their religion and christianity titles like a badge of honor. I just don't think this will end well.


If you are referring to the new member that I think you are..well she is here strictly for meeting men..and will not be engaging in our community in any meaningful way...??

No. It was a guy. First face on the his profile and it was 100% christian/religious... which equates to "l'm just here to cause trouble/stir up shit/convert the sinners"...l don't care WHY he's here. The fact that he/they can be is the problem. It starts off small...and becomes an infestation...and eventually is just like everywhere else that has been ruined/tainted by religion.

@Free_2B_Me Oh I didn't see him. Why would he come here..just to mock us?

@Hitchens No makes no sense to me. They have 'ChristianMingle' (and others) for people of faith...l sure as hell wouldn't join one of those to try and meet someone.

@Free_2B_Me imagine you accidentally fell in love with a Christian ..Sleeping in( Seattle) Jerusalem....??

@Free_2B_Me I repeat religion is poison..but we might have to tolerate a tinsey bit of poison to at least identify the annoying 1%.

@Hitchens Not sure what you mean by isn't accidental...

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