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LINK ‘He has a gun.’ A woman slipped a note to her dog’s vet to escape her attacker, police say - The Washington Post

Violence-against-women posts. Here's one where the woman escaped an abusive situation to the VET TECH. Vet tech called the police; they believed the woman's story, and her bf is now imprisoned awaiting trial on several charges. However, the woman told police that SHE doesn't want to pursue criminal charges and declined to cooperate further. (You're not helping yourself, lady. IF he does get released, he might come back and actually kill you.) This goes out to the guy who claims here on the site that "women have it better."

BookDeath 8 May 28

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I didnt share it but just saw a bit about women being murdered. THey are most likely to be murdered by husbands lover or if they are pregnant. I might have to find that again. It didnt surprise me but I think it is not know to many people


This happens so often with domestic violence and they do not remove the gun from him so he comes back and shoots her later.

I know a lot of places the police will press charges if the woman wont. But from what I saw he had plenty of charges that she didnt have to be involved in

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