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Why do most seem focused outside of themselves, rather than within?

Why do people believe they go to heaven when they die?

I posit that we are as close to a "heaven" as we are likely to get. What are we waiting for? You can't take it with you when you go.

Actions are provable. Be here now! Focus on reality and let the past be the past. Decent people need to stand up and fix the problems in society. Why have schools not become secured? Its beyond childish to not have limited this problem after Thurston and Columbine. The people with the power to do anything about it are asleep at the wheel, WE THE PEOPLE. Every human who has had the power and has done nothing or worse need to answer for themselves and what ever crimes against humanity they are guilty of. When will humans act responsibly for the improvement of all our lives? Where's the problem solvers and the peace makers? The educators? Where are the supposed Faithful when you need an act of Jesus. If Jesus was an actual person and he did great deeds, Why don't you do those things in your everyday life? Why have "christians" been such asshats at almost every turn. They do the opposite of what they say. Just like our politicians, say the good, do the bad. Same crap, different parties, same toilet. We have got to get involved for the sake of humanity, for the sake of us all.

McVinegar 8 May 30

Enjoy being online again!

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I often think it almost the opposite case. I think too many people are focused on their own little world, and that of their 'tribe'; those who think and act as they themselves do. There is no room in their universe for tolerance outside of the parochial limits of their existence and they are seemingly unable to extend compassion and understanding beyond their self-imposed circle of comfort and (questionable) influence.

This country was built on (read, conquered by) "rugged individualism", which essentially means/meant every man for himself. It seems that the only times we have ever been able to come together and act in accord to common ends, ultimately involved warfare of some sort; and those times proved a boon for the weapons makers and logistics suppliers, whose self-interests were inevitably well served.

@McVinegar, I take your original post as just a different perspective from my reply.I think, and correct me if I'm wrong, that what you are getting at is that these people look around them and externalize their sorry existences because to look inside themselves and find nothing is too painful. They need to begin to understand the true intrinsic value of their own lives before they can find compassion for others. They need to understand their place in the universe, and that we, all of humanity, are in this together and interdependent upon one another in the overall scheme of things. That, I think, is your self-improvement, imho. I'm a bushwhacking philosopher, at best.

@McVinegar absolutely. And, the sooner people begin to understand that, the better. There are too many things nowadays to distract us from what should be the focus of everyone with a functioning brain: that, if you're not sure how to improve the world around you, at the very least, don't make it worse.


We all come into our locus of interface and we come into what we focus on, depending on our calling in life, and what our typological limitations allow. We're all different ability levels, and flavors of people and such things a huge role in what we perform, and on the greater scale, this is where the workings of the unchecked masses come from.

These savage people who are any of the qualities of , cruel, and criminal behave the way they do because they're any of the qualities of corrupt, wretched, diseased creatures and exist to create work, and live a partial existence to foil the existence of the higher castes. With time, the ranks of these cretinous people of the untouchable castes should gradually thin out.

@McVinegar Fixed it, thank you.


Because they can't see within themselves by using a mirror ?

Exactly ?

Look within yourself ! ?

Thank you, not offen That I amm complimented ! Lol


It’s too dark inside.


You ask too many hard questions.

@McVinegar I agree, if you are stressed, relax. My comment, "You as too many hard questions," meant I don't have any answers. I couldn't know you were stressed and need to relax.

These questions make it hard eh big man raises eyebrows

@McVinegar OK, but I don't have any answers.

@McVinegar Okay now when you have an answer, how do you analytically derive the question?


It's easier for people to just live like they always have than to try to change things. There will always be liars and lazy people, and people that do any kind of awfulness you can name. I don't know why, but it's the way it is. We can just hope that there are enough people that try to do good to outweigh the others.


Ego. Their id. They can't fathom that in all likelihood consciousness simply ends.
Religions declare better awaits, as if to say life will suck, kind of a self fulfilling prophesy many succumb to. So they pin hopes on the idea they'll experience better later, playing 'what if'.
I don't think there is a later. I've seen nor heard any plausible reason why there would, should, or could be. The best they have is 'you just wait til you're dead".
Wull. Ok. I will.
And playing what if....well.....once that door is open anything goes.
I have faith my toaster will one day walk up to 7-11 and buy me a Pepsi ( Just a Pepsi... ) and you can't prove it won't.
Hence religion.
But fret not....
Our ability to think in abstracts exceeds our ability to fully realize those thoughts.
Evolution is painfully slow. Humanity may get beyond the religion paradigm but it won't be in our short lifespan. And, when they do they'll dream beyond it - just like we do.
So have some coffee.
The toaster loves you.

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