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LINK Your Husband's Gas May Actually Help You Live Longer, According To Study

Guess my ex-wife is gonna live a long time.

Tomfoolery33 9 May 31

Enjoy being online again!

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The Silent Creeper - Monotetra rhyming scheme

Fred, who was quite thickly skinned,
Did from his rear pass subtle wind.
Embarrassed by the way he'd sinned,
Oh! How he grinned; Oh! How he grinned.

A "silent creeper" he had lain
Which drifted through the whole domain
Whilst taunting nostrils in disdain.
Oh! Sense the pain! Oh! Sense the pain!

"It was not I." All cried as one
And wondered where it had begun.
Fred kept quiet on what he'd done.
Yea! It was fun. Yea! It was fun
Petter Finne, written 2014

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