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LINK The ONE Sexist Microaggression You're Probably Committing Daily — And Why We Need To Stop Using It

For my New Year's Resolution 2018, I challenged myself to abstain from using hate speech. This includes the 'B' word.

At first it seemed impossible - then I got used to it. Now when I hear the B word, it jars me, and I feel vindicated boycotting it.

It's not for me to tell other people how to use language. This experiment was purely for me. Only for myself.

I wanted to understand the power of language and how it impacts on our lives. I conclude that language is much more powerful than we realise.

Ellatynemouth 8 May 31

Enjoy being online again!

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I guess I'm coming from an age of classical feminism when the b**** word was used to describe a powerful ,opinionated female who didn't follow society's demand for her to be soft feminine and ladylike, Gloria steinem's philosophy on the whole thing was consider it a compliment. However words, like everything else, I have their own evolution. These days I hear it mostly used by other women to women, very similar to the N word that's used by blacks to blacks.


I agree - fortunately I can't remember the last time I said it or heard it to be fair - well from my friends anyway. Most of the in use swear words are derogatory to women as a starting point. I know it forms part of the wider patriarchal veneer that we all live under.


Going to Minsk, now at Heathrow. Everything so expensive here

Amii Level 2 June 1, 2018

I could not agree with you more. I have always found the B word misogynistic ....there is no male counterpart. It has gone mainstream, jading us. Thanks for your post.


I have used it in the past but have stopped using it as an insult.

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