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QUESTION How the Loss of Critical Reasoning is Harming America -

So we began in this new world wishing with all our hearts that this place we imagined as the empty slate could fulfill all the dreams and fantasies the English settlers had, whether they were dreams of a supernatural New Jerusalem and Garden of Eden or dreams of instant wealth, El Dorado. We codified that essential American ultra-liberty and ultra-individualism: “I can believe whatever I want,” which is a residue of the Enlightenment. For most of our history the people in charge of our political and cultural establishments generally kept the various forms of magical thinking, extreme religion, and religious delusion from getting out of control.

There’s a good side to dreaming the impossible dream, which is part of what made America grow and accomplish so much. The downside is that religion has always been more extreme in this country than other places in the developed world. Alexis de Tocqueville observed that, but it has become more and more extreme, especially in the last half-century. It’s not just religious myths of 2,000 years ago—there are beliefs in supernatural events and magical happenings today that simply aren’t widespread elsewhere in the developed world. Over the last century, and especially the last few decades, our divergence from what we used to call the rest of the civilized world has become extreme.

zblaze 7 Dec 21

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A failed economic model allowed Hilter to rise to power by damning the free press and the Jewish people. A disenfranchised populace failing to realize they brought it on themselves were easily led down the nazi path. In America another failed ecomonic model - the canon of the gop - trickle down economics has given rise to trump. As the middle class disappeared and just making ends meet meant both parents off to work, critical thinking is left to the media and the spin doctors. Now we have a bully society that if you are not the 'norm' speaking becomes a risk. Instilling fear is a great way to control the populace athen spoon feed them the cause. YIKES!! and it fuckin' works!!! In America fear and blame have taken over thinking and reasoning. I do try to do my part and speak out. And witht eh #metoo maybe the media will do a better job of helping the sheeple see a different truer reality.

Thanks silverotter.


I've seen Kurt Anderson explain his theories on the entertainment based period we are going through. tRUMP is a reality tv star which has used the Puritan-based Christian fundamentalist sects to his advantage legislatively.


More than Half of America Won't Know The Meaning.

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