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Do you think that Trumps antics will change the powers of the presidency for the good once he's gone?

I see some of the deeds he has done, pardons , tariffs, decrees etc. as borderline dictator. It just may tighten up the reins of future presidents by enact laws limiting the powers they will have.

PickledRick 8 May 31

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I have been wondering if the Congress will try to curb some Presidential powers to some degree.


Trump's pardons have so far been excellent. Jack Johnson, yeah! I hope he also pardons Martha Stewart as rumored. She was innocent of insider trading and railroaded into jail by James Comey. Trump's tariffs seem very doubtful to me because he says they are related to national security, which seems like a subterfuge. Trump has issued 75 executive orders so far, which is slightly above average, but nothing like the 3734 FDR issued. In general Trump is doing a very good job, and the people who hate him anyway seem like they are crazy to me. It is called Trump derangement syndrome.


Actually as much as I am NOT a Trump fan, I believe that we as a nation as resilient enough to emerge from it with wisdom. Might be a bit jumpy for a few years but we'll be okay. We survived Andrew Johnson and Richard Nixon so I think we'll make it out alive. If anything, I think it woke a lot of people up on both sides of the aisle.

That's my point exactly

@buzz13 Right on, Buzz. Just ride it out and keep our sanity (as well as what's left of our hair).


Warning trump supporter and roseanne barr fan Alert!!!!


I think it's lowering the bar got future aspiring presidents.


My Outlook on it is very pessimistic. I'll be lucky if I survive.


Been wondering the same thing.. The fact he’s supported/ protected by a Republican Congress ..that got to where they're at promoting the same shit is what’s keeping anything from happening to curb trump’s insanity..

If the Democrats recover.. ever gaining both the presidency and congress, they won’t have incentive either to curb the powers of ‘their president.’ And if government's split, it would take an extremely serious majority in Congress to overrule a President…

One of the sickest aspects of the entire ordeal to me is the loss of respect, both the nation and the world, for our presidency…. And I’d though Bush Jr had soiled it beyond redemption. Seems President Barack Obama spent two terms reestablishing respect for the office this 😟

Varn Level 8 May 31, 2018

I feel sad when the news refers to the USA president as leader of the free world. There are other better leaders in countries that can claim that honor.


after this I hope so. I am not a history major but I have familiarized myself with the years preceeding the dark days of Nazi Germany and too much of it resonates with that

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