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I truly believe that I'm god. The reason I know this is because every time I've ever prayed, I found out I was talking to myself.

steve148 7 Dec 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Do you mind if I plagiarize your comment? I want to say it to all the Christians I know. It is excellent, but it only works if it is said in the first person.

Feel free to use it. I heard it several years ago but I cam't remember from who. It might have been Bill Maher


The closest I get to religion is pan-theology where every thing and every person is God, or at least part of the entire creation, which is another word for God. Things that exist our part of the hole. Things that don't exist I guess would not be part. So I agree that you are God.


I guess I'm not God because when I did pray and I heard what I prayed for I granted nothing.


nice one


Yes, you are god. As for me, my cats are gods. They demand that I obey and serve them and they like it when I pray to them. Purr Purr.

SKH78 Level 8 Dec 21, 2017

very good!


Yeah! It makes you want to spit...huh? I got no relief saying all those peayers for people and friend's. It was always a broken heart....damn!


In steve148s name we pray. Ramen.


Yup you're xtian all right. LMFAO


Didn't we all?


Know what you mean. I'm the one who hears and answers.

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