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QUESTION Biocentrism, Quantum Physics and Death....

I came across this on my Facebook feed this morning. This dude is clearly shilling for his own book (which I'm probably not going to buy), but it brings up a potentially interesting discussion on biocentrism, quantum physics and death.

webbew1 7 June 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I read the issue and love it. It makes sense on the intellectual side . We only realize the world through our own brain and that is it. Our brains are not , at this time, capable of realizing multi universes. I do believe that we, the human animal, are nothing but a ball of energy that is , at this time, existing is space time.

EMC2 Level 8 June 5, 2018

say something sensible, please, we don't want to think that people here are stupid

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