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LINK Van Morrison - Tupelo Honey - YouTube

Because I am in a glorious mood. And a tad bit the smitten kitten...

onlyduh 7 June 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Fly free!


Van the Man....good stuff

Are you a " BROWN EYED GIRL ?" Van sings like no other

@GreenAtheist No, blue eyes, but agree on Van. I have a special spot for him on Pandora.

@idoubtit Elton John: "you see, I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue".... my skyblue eyes are powdering a bit pastel as I are you doing carrying the Van tempos so many decades now ? I just do not know a blue eyes song, do you ?

@GreenAtheist Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue? Chrystal Gayle.

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