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I admit that while I have an affinity for the less popular members of the animal kingdom, probably more so because I don't have a tolerance for fear based on ignorance, I have my limits.

This is where I draw the line. If anybody can give me a good reason not to kill these little bastards on sight please speak up, or accept partial responsibility for all the ticks I squash in the future.

JimG 8 June 5
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It depends on how you kill it? Will it be done in a humane way?

I usually squeeze them between two finger nails.

I don't believe killing a few will change much though. Possums work well.

I do kill them quickly and humanely, if only to insure there's no time for them to escape.

@JimG They don't move that fast, but they're good at hiding.


No mercy

btroje Level 9 June 5, 2018

They have families to feed too

swapping baby yarns 🙂

@walklightly if there being tactful is it tic tac lol?

They suck!

@JimG indeed

@JimG indeed


What good do ticks do? Seriously, I want to know.

parasites don't.

there better for the planet than humans and many creatures feed on them

@LeighShelton, well, compared to humanity anything's better.

@walklightly I guess you are correct. A tick can only bite you and give you a curable disease. We can kill each other and give it no thought.

@walklightly, @dalefvictor you bet it is. we do kill everything in our way directly or indirectly including ourselves and don't give a flying fuck. did you know a full tic is a vampire bat infants living lunch box?


in this case your killer instinct be blessed ... oops!


Nope. Damn things serve no real function other than being opposum snacks.

And the opposum are welcome to any that I don't see first.

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