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LINK British feline, 27, becomes ‘world’s oldest living cat’

LONDON - A 27-year-old feline in the United Kingdom has become the "world’s oldest cat" according to Guinness World Records. 

"Flossie" is a black and brown kitty who’s the equivalent of 120 human years. She is in mostly good health but does suffer from poor eyesight and is deaf, according to GWR. 

Her current owner, Vicki, told GWR that her cat is "still playful and curious, unbothered by her deafness, and quickly adapts to new environments despite her lack of sight.‘

"She never turns her nose up at the chance of a good meal," Vicki continued. 

snytiger6 9 Nov 29
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It's possible this is the most recent oldest cat still living. There has been the oldest cat that ever lived at age 43. From my experience breaking many world records in my sculpture business, most claims are not true of a world records and many are all over the map []

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