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Tuesday morning cuteness...

RobertNappi2 9 June 11
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That looks like the Doonesberry Cat ..yeah! It is the Doonesberry Cat!!!

Ray13 Level 8 June 11, 2024

All the time, kitty.

Me too, and I have often had that look when I wake up.. Feline bed head is still so cute..


That looks like a sadly mistreated deformed cat.

FrayedBear Level 9 June 11, 2024

Some cast as they get older develop really ad cases of "bed head". Some older kitties lose interest in keeping up their grooming habits. I have met several older cats that look like this. Most actually look worse.

My first thought was that it is a really old cat, who doesn't really keep up with grooming itself.

@snytiger6 the only one vaguely looking like this was a much beloved cat brought out from the UK that had kidney failure, smelled & was dying - it lived some 5 months after the time that I cared for it. It spent most of its time high on marijuana extract. . . Very affectionate. IMO very sad but it has had good owners - a pair of middle aged tattoed heavy metal freaks.


That happens quite often, and I'm frequently not sure I've gotten the right answer.

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