6 8

I don't do oven mitts, Zach.

Wurlitzer 8 Jan 12
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I never think it is funny to aggravate an animal for the "entertainment" of people.

But of course, neither do I. But once the deed was done and that asshole got attacked I do think it's funny that a comedian decided to narrate how serious this cat was about it. ? The humor is in the fact that it went so wrong for the guy. This cat was speaking plain as day n the dumbass wouldn't listen so he had to feel. Cat power!

@Wurlitzer Yes, sorry for the buzz kill. My bad. But I do think these videos can encourage bad behavior.

@itsmedammit I agree, the ones where they scare the poor cat with a cucumber are the worst. At least this one focuses on the consequences though. if it encourages anyone they have it comin to em too. In fairness all he was doing was trying to pet the cat, and knew the cat either didnt like being petted or didnt like him, so used protection. But still no excuse to agitate an animal if they're obviously displeased, no matter how innocuous the attempt. I think most idiots like that will be idiots regardless of what they see.


That was hilarious! ???


Somebody's not listening!

MojoDave Level 9 Jan 12, 2019

That is one determined cat.

Rob1948 Level 7 Jan 12, 2019

Don't piss off the kitty!


an attack cat.

glennlab Level 10 Jan 12, 2019
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