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LINK Seth Rogen Doesn’t Want Kids Because Being A Parent “Does Not Sound Fun”

From the article:

Stern told Rogen that to be a parent, “You can't be narcissistic, you have to give yourself over to parenting, and they've gotta become the priority.” Rogen’s response? “Yeah, like, I don't want that. That does not sound fun to me. And why? There’s enough kids out there.”

Stern is saying, that not wanting kids and having your own life is Narcissistic. I disagree, I see lots of parents who try to live through their kids, pressuring them into things (such as religion) because they themselves had to go through it. Sports are great, but again, some parents push their kids into it to such a degree, that maybe they didn't make the big leagues, MAYBE their kids will. To me, that's not wanting the best for your kids, at a certain age, if they grow out of the things that the parent got them into, that should be OK, instead of continually haunting them with "if you stuck with it, or tried harder, you coulda made it..."
Yes, i know that isn't what ALL parents do, this is just one example I see, from personal experience seeing other parents behave with their kids.

MacStriker 7 Dec 8
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That is why l didn't have any. The persentage of time they are fun is pretty low.They are expensive. They will wreck your car, and very likely marry someone you don't like. I also noticed they have a short period of time when they are amusing, like 2 and a half to 4 and a half or 5. At six they get to mouthy, and that can last well into their 20s. No thanks.

Sticks48 Level 9 Dec 9, 2022

My landord/lady upstairs from me have 3 boys, Ages 3, 4, 5.
ALL of them constantly fight, the youngest has almost countless amounts of meltdowns daily. The eldest is the most mouthy, the middle child is equal parts of attitude from the eldest and youngest.

Thankfully, my workday starts at 5am, so I'm out of the house by 4:20am. On weekends, because I'm an early riser, those kids are full tilt maniacs by 6am. I have no clue how those parents do it. I'm not a parent/no kids, not a child psychologist, but i can only predict those kids will be as you predicted when when they grow up.


Kids wreak havoc on your body, take up much of your time and money only to turn around and say they owe you nothing. People judge your parenting skills, either you are too involved or not enough. No matter what you did, you did it wrong. I should have used them like my mom used me as her scapegoat and slave.


How about the fact that people think they're so fucking special and amazing that they can't possibly deprive the world of more copies of themselves?
How about the fact that there are millions of children in dire need of homes and love, but these motherfuckers think their DNA is the shit so fuck those other kids?
How about the fact that the very worst thing you can possibly do to the planet is produce children?

100% agree with all of that.

One coworker (has four daughters) was dumbfounded that i chose not to have kids. This person has about 15 family members that live with him, so at any given moment, him and his wife can easily go off to the 3 jobs they all have to work, while the other family members who aren't working, can look after their kids. His big selling point to me was, "Broh, the government gives you money each month for every kid you have till they're 18, broooohhhh"

@MacStriker People can be far more unkind to women that choose to not have kids. They go beyond being dumfounded and will ask me what is wrong with me. My uterus, my business.

@MizJ My sister receives tons of flack for not having kids.
I think it's the rudest thing when people see you're a couple/married and then the next question is "no kid(s)? why not?"

@MizJ People tell me I'm an idiot all the time for not having kids with my ex.

@ChestRockfield Tell them to get a life!

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