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The latest episode of The Affair features a pre-menopausal female protagonist pressured into having a fifth child by her latest husband.

The Affair strikes me as a modern day take on Mad Men. Mad Men was pure brilliance, and The Affair has some amazing moments and then some pointless sex scenes that are just thrown in there for the heck of it.

This episode hit home for me b/c the soon-to-be -menopausal heroine admits in a spirit cleansing discussion that she conceived her children for her husbands and the latest child will be for the current husband dying of cancer.

This is a topic I have never seen discussed on television or anywhere else for that matter. We all assume that most women and most men want babies. Lots of babies. I always thought it was the woman who wanted the babies and the men reluctantly funded the situation. In a world where it takes 2 incomes to raise a child, most families don't have the luxury of a stay-at-home-parent.

I almost fell out of my chair when Baltimore friends confessed that $600/week is reasonable for a daycare facility.

UrsiMajor 8 July 31
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I've not seen this show. Sounds interesting.

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