7 5

The entitlement is staggering.

SkotlandSkye 8 Dec 17
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Is this real life? Not a satirical post? I wouldn't even give the $20. I'd be like too bad your kids need gifts but it is not my responsibility to buy them extravagant gifts. I don't even buy myself extravagant gifts why would I buy your spawn such gifts? heh

It’s real.


That's pretty audacious. My friends and family with kids would never even think of treating me like that.

bleurowz Level 8 Dec 17, 2018

You have got to be kidding me!! That is outrageous ?

tinebean Level 7 Dec 17, 2018

I am stunned that anyone would even think that this was good manners let alone brass balls there...

thinktwice Level 8 Dec 17, 2018

Oh yes . People are under the impression that if u don't have kids , u should spend your $$ on theirs ?I am laughing . I tell them I have plenty : " a have Plane , Train , Car , Boat . Feel free to contribute on their adventures all year long " . I think mother's days thou is worse than holidays ".

Pralina1 Level 9 Dec 17, 2018

What the actual fuck is this person thinking? Oh my gawd. Is this a conversation you actually had, or is this viral?

An actual conversation a child free friend had with a coworker. He’s posted it in several child free groups might go viral. Of course the mombies will get all butthurt I’m sure.

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