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When Your Child Is a Psychopath


"Samantha was diagnosed with conduct disorder with callous and unemotional traits. She had all the characteristics of a budding psychopath. . . . Researchers believe that nearly 1 percent of children exhibit these traits. . . . Jen and Danny are planning to bring Samantha home this summer, a prospect the family views with some trepidation. They’re taking precautions, such as using alarms on Samantha’s bedroom door. The older children are larger and tougher than Samantha, but the family will have to keep vigil over the 5-year-old and the 7-year-old. Still, they believe she’s ready, or, more accurately, that she’s progressed as far as she can."

josh_karpf 7 Feb 22
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That's a terrifying story. Children suck! And the parents are stuck with the subhumans for the rest of their lives. There can never be a good outcome only a lifetime of regret.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Feb 23, 2019

I couldn't finish it.

I worked with a kid like that for an entire Summer - there was no diagnosis like that at the time - but I knew where he was heading. He was 10 years old when he came into the program and 11 when he left.

I have always had a sinking feeling that he probably became a killer. And there wasn't a thing I could do about it. Hopefully he remained in treatment and his treatment team warned the appropriate authorities. I have my doubts though.

And I don't know that he was born that way - I think he was made into what he became. I kind of hate adults for that one. There should be licensing to have kids.

RavenCT Level 9 Feb 23, 2019

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