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For those that are genuinely child-free here: when you were dating or seeking romantic partnerships or even in conversations with friends, did you have people asking you why you do not want kids? In the span of one day I have had THREE men ask me why I do not want kids. One was so damn perturbed by this that he did not even say hi. In his very first message to me wrote: You need to tell me why you don't want kids. Yikes! So demanding for a first message. I don't need to do anything! fck off

demifeministgal 8 Mar 5
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Most people I speak with now seem a little jealous that I don't have kids. People used to ask me about why I didn't want kids. I just said I never wanted to have them, which is true. I have some characteristics of both of my parents. There was no way I would ever bring a child into this world that might suffer some of what I went through.

I alway bring it up early to eliminate women who want to become mothers. Now that I'm older, it is a non-issue. One less complication in a relationship.


I once got a divorce, in part, because my ex had apparently believed that I would change my mind about kids. We had discussed it many times, and he was supposedly in strong agreement, and yet...

That meant that when I started dating again, I was even more blunt about it. I'm sure sometimes I came off as rude. I don't regret that a bit. I'm with a great man now who supported me when I got 'fixed' and we look forward to a lifetime of great child free years.

I actually take a bit of joy in implying that people who think that we're missing out are just miserable creatures who want some company in their bad decisions. I don't much care who I offend when it comes to this particular topic.

synergy Level 6 Mar 7, 2020

Happens to me so often to me in the past i replied to it without being asked.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Mar 7, 2020

That way, just the way it turned out . Wasn't a plan, but it really isn't anyone else's business . I would have to know someone for a while before I would ever quiz them about a choice that is this personal . People can't mind their own affairs .

GEGR Level 7 Mar 6, 2020

I get that from several women I have dated. I notice I get it more often from single mothers who can't for the life of them understand why I don't have at least one somewhere in the world. I can't even speculate on why they would presume that. Heaven forbid that I ever dare to bring up the idea of a vasectomy. The looks that gathers is amazing. I think I would get less foul looks from $hitting on their dinner.

PadraicM Level 7 Mar 5, 2020

I didn't plan to be childless. I started out childless, and year after year I continued to be childless. Women are suspicious of childless men, since modern men seem to leave a trail of children from two or three mothers.

So, women have asked you why you do not have kids?? And you wanted kid(s) in your life?? I can remember as a child or teen wanting kid(s). But once the age of reason hit aka post-christianity as an agnostic I was like yugh. fck it. Having kids is just what catholics DO, so one does not even question it as a life choice.

@demifeministgal Women have challenged my childlessness. I always thought about having kids but never thought I was mature enough to do it. Then I started noticing the other people I knew who were complete idiots and yet had successful kids. I only have a little bit of regret about it. There are other things I have much more regret about than childlessness.

@BitFlipper aww geeze. So I have many decades left of men challenging me for not having kids?! ughhh great! And here I thought people would drop it in their senior years!

@demifeministgal it may change as you age. You will always be surrounded by people of various ages.

@BitFlipper well probably not. I have a 10-15 year age range for dating. So as I age my age range will move along with me. XD

@demifeministgal I was referring to the general population. The people who challenge me for being childless are not limited to the dating population, whoever that would be. Everyone seems to feel entitled to criticise you if you are different.


Not wanting kids is not a character flaw, it perplexes me why some perceive it to be. The planet is overpopulated, my decision was good for me and the environment. Ask them what they are doing to offset the carbon footprint of their mini-mes.

MizJ Level 8 Mar 5, 2020

That's a good question. I am not interested in this guy anyways so I may just fck with him for a bit. XD goddam rude christians

He didn't address my question. I will have to dumb down for him what a carbon footprint is. XD

I use the, "I'm an environmentalist explanation", too. Mostly when someone makes a comment about me wasting resources.

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