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This is the future, and little can be done to change it. In this short (less than 5 minutes) video the Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari lays out the case for the coming rise of what he coins the Useless Class. While he discusses Nigerians and Bangladeshis as those to be concerned about, think of 2/3 or more of Amerika. He outlines this theme powerfully in his 2011 book Sapiens, well worth a read. (Ask a $400K+ per year radiologist how they feel about AI's ability to read and interpret images.)

This isn't pie-in-the-sky way in the future. There is a convergence of disruptive technologies taking place now that by 2030 will make the economy almost unrecognizable versus today. Disruption is cutting across industries in ways not broadly seen in the past. A good example of this is Tesla. It shipped 500K vehicles in its last year, yet it is more valuable that all of the major automakers combined. Why? It is not an auto company. It is a software and energy company, cars being one of the delivery platforms.

Mitch07102 8 Oct 27
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I already found the same thing in Andrew Yang's book, The War On Normal People. Looks like about two thirds of Americans will become useless, in the terms of heartless economics, by the next decade or so. After that, we will either have to have a UBI or we will have riots and maybe revolution, most likely violent. He talks about so many things that our corporate media and politicians, with the exception of Yang's prez run, refuse to discuss.


I would never consider our selves to be useless unless we are sick or in nursing home and cannot look after ourselves ,but until that time we all have a great wealth of wisdom and knowledge and skills to share with others to help make the world a better place to live

RoyMillar Level 9 Oct 27, 2020

I agree. However, from the perspective of economics, we may indeed become useless. I suggest you read Harari's book, or perhaps YouTube it.

As far as economics we are a very large group of consumers who help drive the economy ,even though we are not working for finacial gain ,we are sharing the wealth we have made and letting others do those jobs for finacial gains


Pity the next generations. People who say they love and care about their kids and then vote tRump and ilk are lying to everyone and even themselves.

JackPedigo Level 9 Oct 27, 2020

So maybe the answer is us not defining ourselves by our occupation, or “usefulness” to our capitalistic overlords, but seeking other purpose. Like loving and caring for other humans, creating art, and problem solving. Yes, those of us already in the Useless Class (retired) are adapting to it.

NJSnarky Level 6 Oct 27, 2020

I agree. The system may not. Look at how the average wage slave lives now. versus our hunter-gatherer ancestors. Who lives better?


I've been part of the useless class for awhile..entered it at 50 years of age. Humanity has been headed in this direction for quite some time. Much to the happiness of the Oligarchs..

Charlene Level 9 Oct 27, 2020

It is bigger than the oligarchs.


I would be considered one of the useless class.😢

At some point, we all will be.

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