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I may be preaching to the choir, but here goes

glennlab 10 June 26
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and those 4 or 5 spaces are almost always empty. wasted. nobody gets to park there, and when somebody is there, you can hardly ever figure out what the hell ails him. but there these spaces still stand, usually empty, as a monument to the stupid self righteousness and unfortunate political power of the NPR/ new progressive tyranny we all now live under. the ruling coalition of the feeble groups, both in mind and body. and their special privileges, however senseless or unfair. seig Woodruff! meanwhile, the ice caps are melting........the counter tyrant Trump (and i've hated him since before most of you mental babies were born) was/is a reaction to "politically correct" like hitler was a reaction to the Versailles treaty.

holdenc98 Level 7 June 26, 2021

They might be empty out in the boondocks, but in the city they are always full. I must say you do not seem to be a progressive or a socialist.

@glennlab Yeah, Glenn, this guy is not Progressive, nor close to Socialist & obviously not empathetic, compassionate or understanding. He fits perfectly in your Meme. Wah - wah, where's MY perks?!? Why aren't I treated special?!? What a real piece of work!

Many disabilities are "hidden" & not evident - are you a doctor, & the judge of who qualifies?
Is it "special privileges" to allow access to people with disabilities access to public spaces/facilities?
& I just love how you Right-wing types always have to throw in the Nazi trope over not being the center of attention yourselves. Wah-wah, why aren't I treated as special as I think I am???
Tho you say you don't support tRump, you sure seem his come across as an anti-masker/anti-vaxxer because of "tyranny"! Holy shit, how self-centered (as was your whole rant) & uncaring. How lacking in empathy or basic human decency.
&, yeah, dude, thanks so much for your little "mental babies" crack. I'm sure a walk in the depths of your "soul" wouldn't get one's feet damp.
You are a real piece of work, so glad I don't know you.

@phxbillcee .... any other imaginary straw man qualities you want to ascribe to me so you can proceed to attack them.? sorry i don't have time to disect all your errors, but may i ask, im really curious ......what is your i.q. ?

@phxbillcee, @glennlab . .......... im a commie.

@holdenc98 Nothing was "imaginary". It was taken right from your above Response. Fairly self-evident from what you wrote. & what in the hell does my IQ have to do with anything? No matter what number I stated you would almost certainly state that yours was "higher". Big f'n' deal. It's high enough to spot the BS you were pushing above, let that suffice.



bobwjr Level 10 June 26, 2021

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