7 15

ALL of this!

JonnaBononna 7 Feb 1
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Everyone says this would all cost too much and they ask how are we going to pay for it. I ask how do other countries pay for it. As for Americans paying for this type of system I simply ask them if they buy anything? Anything at all. Now I rest my case.

DenoPenno Level 9 Feb 3, 2022

Thatโ€™s a lot of truth there!! ๐Ÿ˜


Trying to think up something smart and I have nothing but, "No Shit". We cannot do that as it would cost to much.

As opposed to the drag on the economy caused by multiple bankruptcies due to medical bills, (the leading cause BTW), the lack of purchasing power of the majority of taxpayers, and the Mess we have now due to the crappy education system? Doubt it!

@AnneWimsey not to mention the trillions in military spending to keep bases in countries all over the world (not for defense, but to be the world police), and the billions to Israel to help them continue Palestinian genocide.


These are mainstream Democratic values.

Yes, which is why the Rethuglican Party is so opposed to them.

If only the mainstream democrats believed in them.

@JonnaBononna it's time to rid the "Main Stream" Corporate Moderate Dems. Namely Manchin, Sinema and their spineless underlings..


The GOP and other right-wing lunatics will not have that, as it removes their excuse for venting their spleen on everybody that they see as criminals, i.e. everybody who has a liberal frame of mind.



Charlene Level 9 Feb 1, 2022

Defund the police is a unfortunate bumper sticker name for a really great, but complex idea. I wish we could rebrand it so that people would listen to the ideas behind it, like this.

glennlab Level 10 Feb 1, 2022

It wouldn't fit into the mainstream media's sound bytes and would be labelled as evil socialism by the Right.

Branding has always been am issue that the repucks do well - like the "death tax" that affected about .001% of the population and cost taxpayers billions in repeal.

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