4 4

Gorbachev and others have been warning about this:

Krish55 8
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Please unstick so many posts

godfree2 Level 6 Sep 30, 2022

Good suggestion. I took a few off. Apparently older ones can't be unsticked.


Good article but I wonder if you could write a bit more on this topic? I'd be grateful if you could explain a little more. I really appreciate that! poppy playtime

minion89 Level 3 Sep 23, 2022

Do you have some particular questions you'd like to see addressed?


NATO was no threat to Russia ... unless they want to conquer other nations. We can not let Russia dictate who can join NATO.

Reignmond Level 7 Mar 16, 2022

NATO and its individual members attack other nations.

@Krish55 You mean like when NATO attacked Yugoslavia for enthnic cleansing of Albanians?

@Reignmond That was the excuse. Chomsky states that there are State Department documents showing that the bombing was to force Serbia to become more capitalist.

There is always some supposedly humanitarian excuse for imperialism. That's how imperialist countries get their populations to accept atrocities.

@Krish55 Noam Chomsky?

@Reignmond Yes:

@Krish55 I am not sure of what Chomsky's security clearance is, but I would bet it is low. Being a Linguist does not really qualify him as a valid news source. He is predisposed to fall for leftist propaganda. Who cares if Serbia became Capitalist. Russia is now Capitalist.

@Reignmond That doesn't refute the evidence that the desire of Western capitalists to expand caused bloodshed in Yugosavia.

@Krish55 True, but while my comment doesn't prove it, Chomsky saying "there are documents" also does not prove his position. Though I will admit that Capitalism's inherent greed makes it capable of almost anything, but that too is not proof. So we are in the dark.


I don't believe that NATO (USA) are so naive so it must be that they are being deliberately provocative.
I wonder why ?. It looks like the military industrial machine is unstoppable.

Moravian Level 8 Mar 8, 2022

NATO expansion increases US arm sales...

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