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How Indoctrination Works: []

Krish55 8
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Look its Floraduh man spewing Russian Propaganda and calling himself a "progressive" while supporting Nazis and trying to explain "how Indoctrination Works..."
"What A Maroon..."
Rodger Rabbit


First you have to have been convinced the situation is out of control. That's the going narrative of our MSCM. The reason I don't pay to much attention to Quora anymore. While there's a tendency to provide decent information, there's also a tendency to diminish it with bad propaganda. Reading through the answers you find confusion in the followers. It highly resembles Common Dreams and other large news outlets. From writer to writer it pulls the followers in different directions that forces an unstable critical understanding. Compared to a news sources where the scope of commentary is basically based on a prime directive and correctly ensembles factual information using negative propaganda as examples.

{It's because the Putin administration are still living in the 20th Century.

Around half the country over there is living in the 21st Century and are able to circumvent government restrictions on websites.

The older, less tech savvy people over there are unable to access proper news but the younger more tech savvy people are able to access it.}

This would indicate that Putin's advisors are also ignorant and out of touch. Highly arguable. The 2nd and last can virtually be applied to every society on the planet. Not only is it useless rhetoric, but it also fails to differentiate between what his prime directive towards government restrictions on websites entails. A negative or positive, relating that to each of the societies abroad. It has no intensive meaning as written, hot air.

The second remark on Russia's propaganda not being impressive. To whom? How? Then he goes on to ensemble a litany of contradictions that indicates the unstableness I warn of above. The government use to infiltrate the media? Then he rejoins the MSCM with government again as tethered later? A total failure to correlate all of the aspects he listed. Virtually a puzzle laying on the table unassembled still. I'll argue, as far as RT goes, provides a very positive outlook of being a more informative world news source with more information for the viewer to decipher their content comparing it to other sources. I find it quite impressive. So impressive American propaganda means the ability to deceive? Which he seemingly acknowledges without a sense of clarity.

Hook by Putin propaganda video? Well, propaganda is designed to communicate a comprehensive message. It's no different than what we all do when we voice our own thoughts and ideology. It's political gossip on a personal level. We do it to sway people in our circles, and or educate them on issues they don't know or understand. We spread propaganda, whether it's on a negative or positive front should be the desired concern. As citizens it's our responsibility to sort this propaganda out to form a collective positive out of it. So to use a video of such is an indication to promote a false biased narrative. For starting out so chaotically, he pretty much goes on with a great post though. Actually he comes to the same type of notations I made in my start about the site and propaganda. Don't trust anyone. Question more!

The rest of the replies are made up of those who are asleep still and a few that are awaken.

If you are critiquing war opinions I just do not get the jargon...."MainStreamControlledMedia" ???? all the rest do not apply to my reports upon Vietnam Malvinas Grenada Angola Libya Haiiti Syria Afghanistan Palestine Nato Ukraine Soviet Russian defense et al


Main Stream Corporate Media. Would be the 6 major medias owned by billionaires who also own our politicians. The major part of the apparatus that also own and or pay various public relation firms, NGOs {Non Government Organizations} and think tanks which develop 80% of the information those 6 and many other various MSMs {Main Stream Media} as talking points deceptively disguised as fact based news.

Public relation firms are the most effective tool of the transnational ruling class to develop this type of fake news which is filtered down to the MSCM to manufacture a delusional reality for the world citizenship that play a vital role in keeping capitalism alive within that delusional reality. Within that a collaborate group of hundreds of NGOs and think tanks funded by various entities made up of intelligence agencies, governments, and other large scale donors who run organizations that are compliant and collaborate to the agenda.

This is a proven fact based on discovery of data from various sociologist and independent journalism which has also been proven on this Ukraine issue. Where ever we find social chaos and the build up to wars, especially when it comes to regime change against nations who resist capitalist agendas, you'll find these types of groups behind the scenes funding and supporting that chaos and the vagarious characters within a country collaborating with an outside government and these groups. In regards of Ukraine, approximately 200 of these groups funded and supported the Maidan chaos which began in 2014. Robert Parry of Consortium News exposed these groups of having played a part verified with data he uncovered. Part of that funding went to various fascist groups who were being trained on crowd violence tactics before 2014. Some numbers go to as many as 220 in other reports if I remember correctly. Parry exposed this in a documentary Oliver Stone filmed called Ukraine on Fire.

I took the liberty to start at a time with the ousted president explaining some conditions before the protest became the most violent. As time goes on it explains how media played a part in glorifying the fascist entities, then leading into the violence in November. Some mentions of NGO's come in and then Parry eventually is introduced to the documentary and explains how these same conditions arise in other countries, then exposes documents of involvement later. I imagine you've heard of George Soros? Pay close attention to the tactics used in Ukraine. We already see a degree of this in the US within our protest as they turn violent. With our own fascist having gone to Ukraine to train these same tactics can start to be seen here.

Here is a discussion Abby Martin had with sociologist Peter Philips on the apparatus of transnational ruling class capitalism these groups are collaborate with. Again I took the liberty of getting to the point. I highly suggest viewing both these films in their entirely for a full understanding of all conditions to place thought on.


Indoctrination works by repeating something enough times to where others start to believe in it. This worked for Hitler, Trump, Putin, Stalin, and many others. The Trump wall for example. I hear people say daily that we ought to build it. Apparently they have not studied enough about the land areas involved and how some of it would even be on Mexican land. Other areas are privately owned by our citizens, and some areas not suitable for a fence or wall. I keep on wondering what part of this people do not understand. "The Wall" is a talking point to get people involved so you can get money.

DenoPenno Level 9 Apr 16, 2022

Good analysis and examples. Corporate media in capitalist countries also engage in indoctrination.

@Krish55 to a point they have no choice as they make their money by advertising and if they don't spin a story a certain way then big business will no longer advertise with them.

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